

President defends size of Cabinet and renaming of Ministries

President David Granger today dismissed claims that the new APNU/AFC coalition government is a “large government,” and pointed out that there are fewer ministries than those under the previous administration. “It is the amalgamation of the ministries that would have created concerns,” the President said. “I have not created a larger number of ministries than existed before; there are now ...

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No crash in Lion Mountain- police

Following reports of an accident that reportedly claimed the lives of five miners in the Lion Mountain area in Region seven, police investigations have proven that this might not be the case. Commander of ‘F’ Division Courtney Ramsey told Demerara Waves May 25 that the force received certain information about the accident but after checks were made there was no ...

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Guysuco has no money to pay workers; govt to take steps to avoid closure

The Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuco) is running out of money to pay wages and salaries, but two senior government ministers Monday night assured that the sugar industry would not be allowed to collapse. Minister of Agriculture, Noel Holder said based on a document provided to him at a meeting held Monday afternoon with GuySuco’s Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Rajendra Singh ...

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Sooba sent on administrative leave to facilitate criminal investigations, …scores congregate to cheer her removal

by Zena Henry It took some amount of effort to not only remove the contentious acting Town Clerk, Carol Sooba from the Council Chamber when a majority vote was given for her to go on administrative leave, but some planning was also required to get her out of the compound when more than a hundred passersby congregated outside of the ...

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Sooba gets the boot as Council activates no-confidence motion

by Zena Henry The long rope may have finally come to its end for controversial City Town Clerk Carol Sooba of the Mayor and City Councillors (M&CC) prepare to activate their no confidence motion against the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) selected Chief Executive Officer. As the Council gears for its first Statutory Meeting since the 2015 General and Regional elections ...

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Court temporarily bans Jagdeo from leaving Guyana until ruling on alleged racial incitement

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo was Monday banned from leaving Guyana until the hearing and determination of an indictable charge of uttering racially divisive remarks. Attorney-at-Law, Christopher Ram has filed a private criminal charge against Jagdeo, saying that he that he uttered racially divisive remarks in violation of one of Guyana’s electoral laws on March 8 at Babu John, Port Mourant, ...

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President pardons 60 prisoners

by Nazima Raghubir President David Granger on Monday disclosed that he would be pardoning 60 prisoners between the ages of 18 and 25 years who are serving sentences for petty crimes. In an interview, the Guyanese leader said he plans to make the presidential pardon an annual feature of his tenure in office “I have specified that persons who are ...

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Local govt elections unlikely this year

Minister of Communities Ronald Bulkan says he sees no reason preventing the holding of long-overdue Local Government Elections (LGE) this year, but much depends on the readiness of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) and the passage of a key law that will pass several executve responsibilities to the Local Government Commission. “We are committed to ensuring that the provisions related ...

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Suriname goes to general elections on Monday

PARAMARIBO, Suriname – For the 8th time since its independence in 1975 voters in Suriname will Monday go to the polls to elect a new parliament. While it was expected, incumbent president Desi Bouterse at his party’s last rally Saturday night announced that he is running again to become the next president. In a surprise move he named Minister of ...

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