

“In two or three years the economy will flat-line”- Jagdeo forecasts

Immediately after pledging solemnly to work with the government to improve the lives of Guyanese, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo and his colleague People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) parliamentarians walked out of the House. During in his estimated 90-minute contribution to the 2015 National Debate, Jagdeo lambasted the Finance Minister Winston Jordan for crafting a budget that would fail to stimulate ...

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Jagdeo touts sovereignty over Essequibo, active communication with Venezuela

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo Friday night appealed to the government to rethink its position to scrap plans to build the almost US$1 billion Amaila Falls Hydro-power station, saying it would have consolidated Guyana’s sovereignty over the Essequibo Region. “This is the ultimate expression of sovereignty,” said Jagdeo, a former President of this South American country that has a long-running border ...

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Protest erupts at Corentyne village where female farmer was shot dead

Less than one day after a Corentyne farmer was shot dead during an attempted robbery at her home, protest erupted at Number 45 Village, Corentyne and was later quelled by police. Residents there blocked the road with wood and burnt tires, demanding improved security and the resignation of Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan and the three-month old coalition-led government. Slogans ...

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PPP, Opposition Leader get more time for 2015 Budget

In the face of mounting criticisms that the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) was being muzzled, government Friday night agreed to increase the number of hours for the opposition to scrutinize the allocations in the 2015 National Budget. Government Chief Whip, Amna Ally also told reporters that Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo’s allocation for his contribution to the debate would be ...

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Trotman crushes PPP’s claims surrounding $10,000 cash grant, three day budget consideration, indiscriminate firing

Minister of Governance, Raphael Trotman came out swinging during his budget debate presentation Friday August 21 as he shot down several claims made against the government of denying the school $10,000 cash grant, of trying to muzzle the opposition among others. In his fiery delivery, the Minister slammed the opposition for spewing misinformation saying that they accused the government of ...

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Lands and Surveys, GGMC to hike payments

The Guyana government is about to increase the measly environmental bond for gold miners and the processing fee for land being charged by the Lands and Surveys Commission, according to Governance Minister Raphael Trotman. He made the announcements during his contribution to the 2015 National Budget Debate. While the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) would be releasing new lands ...

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Private Sector Commission lambastes govt over apparent politically motivated dismissals

The Private Sector Commission (PSC) on Friday lashed out at government sacking several public sector employees, saying that it smacks of “political discrimination” and the organisation urged the administration not to violate Guyana’s labour laws. “The great majority of those dismissed /terminated in public humiliation gives credence to wide spread perception of political discrimination and victimization despite human rights guaranteed ...

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PPP engineered State payment for Cheddi Jagan Research Centre- Harmon

Minister of State Joseph Harmon caused uproar during his budget speech Friday August 21, when he revealed that the former administration took over former State building, Red House and transferred it to People’s Progressive Party (PPP) company, Cheddi Jagan Research Inc. after changing the property’s name to the Cheddi Jagan Centre. Harmon in startling revelations said that up to 2012, ...

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Make-up of State boards to reviewed

The government has promised to review the composition of some State boards given the concerns expressed, particularly by the opposition’s People’s Progressive Party (PPP) administration in relation to ethnic and gender balance. Minister of State Joseph Harmon told a post-cabinet news conference on Friday August 21 that the government has heard the concerns and will be addressing them. He said ...

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Dindyal remained GPL CEO after Board said he should go; performance evaluation rated 43.5 out of 50%

Former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Guyana Power and Light (GPL)  Bharrat Dindyal’s contract of employment was renewed after it expired on December 31, 2014 because the agency’s Board of Directors, through its Chairman Winston Brassington, in a “candid” revelation expressed their  disatisfaction with the CEO’s performance. Dindyal’s was however kept on the job despite an uninspiring performance evaluation ...

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