

MPs clash over name of REOs

Government and opposition members of the Committee of Supply of the National Assembly clashed on Tuesday as several opposition Members of Parliament (MPs) demanded that Minister of Communities, Ronald Bulkan, reveal the names of the current Regional Executive Officers (REOs) of the Ten (10) Administrative Regions. The opposition Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) believes that government is actively replacing REOs ...

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Alleged killer of Montrose granny remanded

The man, who bludgeoned a 77-year old woman to death with a spanner was Tuesday arraigned on a murder charge. Colin Alleyne was not required to plea to the indictable charge when he appeared in the Sparendaam Magistrates Court. He was remanded to prison until September 27, 2015 by Magistrarte Zamana Ally. Alleyne, who was captured on Saturday last at ...

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Opposition row over “limited” budgetary questions, Speaker says his integrity not a question

Whether covertly or overtly, jabs have been taken regarding the direction of Speaker of the National Assembly Dr. Barton Scotland as the opposition claims their questions on the 2015 budget are being limited. The opposition People’s Progressive Party Civic’s (PPPC) side of the House has made this complaint more than once. General Secretary of the PPP and opposition member, Clement ...

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Four charged for robbing mining camp

Four men have been arrested ad charged with robbing a mining camp of raw gold, a gun and ammunition at Oku Backdam, Cuyuni last week. Police said the four men were arrestd on August 22, 2015 in connection with the incident on August 17, 2015. The items stolen include a .32 pistol and ammunition, a quantity of raw gold, and cell ...

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Two robbed at gunpoint while repairing vehicle

One of three men, who allegedly seized the opportunity of two men while they were repairing a vehicle, and robbed them at gun-point has been arrested. Police said that at about 1:30 AM, Tuesday August 25, 2015, three men on bicycles, one of whom was armed with a handgun, held up Vijay Pitamber of Enmore, and Ajay Sewdat of Foulis, ...

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No funding formula until local government elections

Opposition Members of Parliament (MPs) are demanding that government allocate the 2015 subventions to Guyana’s 65 Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs) and 6 Municipalities in accordance with the Fiscal Transfer Act which was passed and assented to in 2013. Communities Minister, Ronald Bulkan, however, is suggesting that the formula will be employed after the holding of local government elections. As the ...

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Building identified for GGMC “condemned”, likely to be “pulled down”

An incomplete building that was earmarked to ease cramped  working conditions being experienced by staff of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) has been condemned and would possibly be demolished. Minister of Governance, Raphael Trotman made the announcement in response to questions by People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) frontbencher, Odinga Lumumba during consideration of the estimates of expenditure for ...

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Some NCN workers to be sent home

Several employees of the National Communications Network (NCN) are to be sent home in the coming months from the loss-making State-owned radio and television broadcaster, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo announced Monday night. He said a number of the 163 NCN employees, who were hired to do propaganda work for the then ruling People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) would be rationalized ...

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Local Govt elections to cost about GUY$2 billion

Guyana’s long overdue Local Government Elections (LGE), expected to be held later this year, and is expected to cost GUY$2 billion, according to Minister of State, Joseph Harmon. A breakdown shows that GUY$1.483 billion and GUY$371 billion have been allocated for current expenditure, while GUY$55 million is for capital expenses. Assisted by top officials of the Guyana Elections Commission, he ...

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Voting on Constitutional bodies, new government ministries deferred, errors cited- opposition

The contentious issue of new government ministries not being Gazetted is expected to be fulfilled tomorrow, while there are to be significant adjustments to truly reflect the new power given to constitutional agencies. This is according to Opposition Chief Whip Gail Texeria who said that the government has acknowledged their mistake and is committed to setting these issues right. As ...

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