

Guyana now has large pool of physical therapists, expanding countrywide coverage

Guyana is now boasting a significant number of therapists, resulting in several countries being eager to learn about the strategy to do so, according to Director of Disability and Rehabilitation Services, Dr. Ariane Mangar. “People want what we have and they want to also learn how we were able to [achieve] such a remarkable feat of training our own therapists,” ...

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PPP warns against politicians who are “reinventing themselves”

As Guyana slowly approaches next year’s general and regional elections, the governing People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) has in recent days issued a warning to party supporters not to fall prey to recycled politicians who were part of an attempt to derail the country’s democratic process. In clear campaigning by the incumbent party, PPP Executive Secretary, Zulfikar Mustapha on Monday ...

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UG inks agreement for Maoka Taawa University of the Forests Campus in South Rupununi

It will stand before the majestic and mystical Paint Mountain. A one-of-a-kind, a marvel, a monument to intelligence and a testament to the persistent and persevering knowledge of a people…Our people, Maoka Taawa University of the Forests.  In a series of three simple but highly significant events in the indigenous village of Aishalton, a 16-year-old dream of our indigenous brothers ...

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High Court rules ExxonMobil, State must be added to case for release of insurance for Liza 2 project

High Court Judge, Simone Morris-Ramlall on Monday ruled that ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) and the Attorney-General of Guyana must be added as parties to a case brought by civil society activist, Sherlina Nageer demanding disclosure of the insurance policy and parent/affiliate company guarantee for the Liza Phase 2 project, according to the company’s lawyers and Attorney General Anil Nandlall. “Justice ...

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PNCR’s congress on track “barring an act of God”, despite General Secretary’s resignation

The People’s National Congress Reform’s (PNCR) congress, including its internal elections, is on track for June 28 to 30, despite the resignation of that party’s General Secretary, Dawn Hastings-Williams, Congress Administrator, Sherwin Benjamin said Tuesday. “Everything, as far as I am aware, is on schedule for the congress…I don’t see, barring an act of God, Congress not being held as ...

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BREAKING: PNCR General Secretary resigns, complains of poor preparation for Congress, lack of financial accountability

Four days before the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) is scheduled to hold its June 28-30 Biennial Congress, that party’s General Secretary Dawn Hastings-Williams on Monday resigned from her position, complaining bitterly about poor preparations for the highest decision-making forum are way off mark. “With all the administrative task that has to be undertaken by the secretariat, I believe that ...

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3 found dead in minibus on Mabura trail

The bodies of three persons were found on Sunday in a minibus on the Mabura trail, police confirmed. The causes of the deaths were not immediately known, but a senior police confirmed that the bodies were found in the vehicle at 28 Village on the Mabura trail closer to Linden. A senior police officer confirmed that the bodies were discovered ...

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New law to go after sale of unprescribed antibiotics, fake medicines

Health Minister Dr Frank Anthony on Sunday warned that pharmacies that sell antibiotics without prescriptions would soon be shut down, as Guyana joins the rest of the world in reducing the resistance to antibiotics and other types of prescription drugs. He said the Health Ministry has received reports that a number of pharmacies have been treating patients by selling them ...

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West Demerara fruit vendor killed by husband

A 34-year-old woman, who is a fruit vendor, was late Saturday night stabbed to death by her drunken, reputed husband at their home at Lot 1 Best Village, West Coast Demerara, police said Sunday. Police said they were investigating the murder which occurred at about 11:30 Saturday night. Police said they recovered a knife, believed to be the murder weapon, ...

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PNCR’s Committee of Elders to investigate Vanessa Kissoon’s sexual harassment allegation against Aubrey Norton

Even as People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) member, Vanessa Kissoon is reportedly reluctant to report that she was allegedly sexually harassed by party leader, Aubrey Norton, a committee of elders has been called in to investigate the claim. “The executive member, at this time, is not inclined to take such measures,” PNCR Central Executive Committee member, Volda Lawrence said in ...

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