

Nursing exam paper leaked, sold

Investigations are ongoing to identify person or persons who may have been responsible for the leak of examination papers before the sitting and assessment of 250 nursing students on October 19 and 20, 2016, the Government Information Agency (GINA) reported on Tuesday. Nurses who sat the Clinical and Functional examination in October were informed by Principal Tutor of the Georgetown ...

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Guyana to reduce maternal and infant mortality rates with IDB support

Program seeks to strengthen the country’s healthcare network, benefitting some 140,000 women and 9,000 newborns a year The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)  on Thursday announced that it has approved an US$8 million loan for a program to help reduce maternal, perinatal and neonatal deaths in Guyana. This program seeks to improve the quality of care at 140 health facilities and ...

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Guyanese manufacturing executive gives Caribbean lessons on improving agriculture

A top official of the Caribbean Community’s (Caricom) largest rum producer on Wednesday recommended a raft of steps to help improve the growth and competitiveness of the region’s agricultural sector and overall business innovation. Managing Director of Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL), Komal Samaroo told the Caribbean Week of Agriculture’s (CWA) Alliance Meeting – Strategies for Attracting Investments into Agriculture that ...

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Free trade taking toll on health of Caribbean school children

Caribbean health and education experts have lamented the impact of free trade on the consumption of certain foods and beverages that are badly affecting the health of the region’s children. Senior Medical Officer of Grenada’s Ministry of Health, Dr Francis Martin said the reality is that many Caribbean schools are cash-strapped and so they turn to sponsors to support sporting ...

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Jagdeo, Health Minister differ on doctors being removed from contract with gratuity

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday accused government of forcing recently-trained medical doctors to leave the public health sector because they have been taken off contracts  with gratuity and placed on the pensionable establishment of Guyana’s Public Service. Public Health Minister, Dr. George Norton confirmed to Demerara Waves Online News that “they (the doctors) are employed by the Public Service ...

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Diphtheria outbreak in Venezuela triggers vaccination in western Guyana

Guyana is about to begin vaccination against Diphtheria on the border with Venezuela, following an outbreak in that western neighbour where the political and economic crisis has caused a prolonged massive shortage of basic items including medicines. “The Ministry of Public Health is taking preventative measures to reduce the risk of Diphtheria crossing the border from Venezuela where an outbreak ...

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Guyana Foundation Sunrise Center pilot phase successfully completed

Hague Back, Guyana – (October 11, 2016) The Guyana Foundation recently announced that the pilot phase of its Sunrise Center on the Essequibo Coast was successfully completed. This announcement was made last week at the Westin Hotel, Grand Cayman, during a presentation by the Foundation’s Founder, Mrs. Supriya Singh-Bodden, C.C.H., and its Managing Director, Mr. Anthony Autar. In attendance were ...

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Guyana Cancer Foundation launched to help reintegrate survivors

by Abigail Semple The Guyana Cancer (GCF) Foundation was launched on Thursday at the Marriott Hotel, Guyana with the aim of preventing the dreaded disease and reintegrating survivors into society. The GCF was registered in June 1, 2016, after several years of conducting cancer awareness programmes through the then Avon Community Help Fund (ACHF). At the time, it was under ...

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China boosts health care with more aid

China on Friday handed over a number of medical supplies and equipment valued at approximately USD420,000 to Guyana’s Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC) Incorporated. The presentation was made by Madam Tiu Cui Li, Vice Minister of National Health and Family Planning Commission of the Peoples Republic of China. During her remarks, the Minister encouraged the Chinese doctors working in Guyana to ...

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ILO helps Guyana develop new Occupational Safety and Health Policy

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) is assisting Guyana in crafting a new policy on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) aimed at preventing workplace injuries and fatalities, the Ministry of Social Protection announced Wednesday. The draft was presented to stakeholders including the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC), the Federation of Independent Trade Unions (FITUG), the Consultative Association of Guyanese Industries (CAGI) ...

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