
Diplomatic Corps

President, Opposition Leader agree on info about Venezuelan migrants, greater public education

President Irfaan Ali and Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton on Tuesday held talks about the escalating tension between Guyana and Venezuela ahead of a December 3 referendum that seeks to annex the county of Essequibo in clear violation of international law. Amid concerns that one of the referendum questions seeks Venezuelans’ approval f0r the establishment of Essequibo as another State of ...

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Guyana fears Venezuela’s referendum sets stage for seizure of Essequibo

Government on Monday expressed concern that Venezuela’s December 3 Referendum will lay the ground work for the annexation of Guyana’s County of Essequibo. In one of the questions approved by Venezuela’s Electoral Council, the referendum seeks the agreement of Venezuelans to establish Essequibo as a State of Venezuela, take care of current and future residents and grant them citizenship and ...

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New US Ambassador to Guyana arrives

Newly-arrived U.S. Ambassador to Guyana Nicole D. Theriot on Monday presented her credentials today to President Dr. Mohammed Irfaan Ali at the Office of the President, the American Embassy here said. Ambassador Theriot was quoted in an embassy statement as saying that,  “It is a great honor to serve as Ambassador to the Co-operative Republic of Guyana and as the ...

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Guyana must intensify local, international efforts against Venezuela- Trotman, Kirton

As Venezuela prepare to vote in early December on a question concerning Guyana’s 160,000-square-kilometre (62,000-square-mile) county of Essequibo, at least two International Relations experts are recommending intensified domestic, regional and international engagement. Former House Speaker, Raphael Trotman said the time has come for Guyana to establish a multi-party Border/National Security Committee similar to one that had been co-chaired by Attorney-at-Law ...

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Regional, international pressure mounts on Venezuela to release Guyanese fishing boats, crew

Venezuela is coming under mounting international pressure to release two Guyanese fishing vessels and 11 crew members that were intercepted by the Venezuelan Navy in Atlantic waters that both neighbouring South American nations claim as theirs. The United States (US), the Organisation of American States (OAS) and the 15-nation Caribbean Community called separately for the crew and vessels, Lady Nayera ...

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Next Guyana gov’t “will have to rule for the benefit of every Guyanese” -Britain

Britain says the next Guyana government emerging from the March 2, 2020 general elections after a “credible” vote recount will have to push ahead with further reforms of the constitution of this former British colony. “Whoever takes charge will have to rule for the benefit of every Guyanese citizen, undertaking whatever constitutional reforms necessary to ensure that happens,” British High ...

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Canada helping its citizens leave Guyana

Canada on Saturday continued to fly out its citizens back to Toronto, an area heavily populated by Guyanese. High Commissioner of Canada to Guyana, Lilian Chatterjee says 28 more left today from the Eugene F. Correia International Airport aboard a Trans Guyana Airways aircraft to Barbados. From there, they will board an Air Canada flight bound for Toronto. Ms Chatterjee ...

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United Nations calls on Guyana gov’t to impose more stringent measures to fight Coronavirus

The United Nations (UN) on Friday called on Guyana to urgently limit people’s movement to only essential errands to help prevent the spread of the deadly Coronavirus (COVID-19). UN Resident Coordinator in Guyana, Mikiko Tanaka cautioned Guyanese against being care-free about COVID-19 because Guyana has for weeks now recorded only five confirmed cases including one death. “There is no room ...

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U.S. State Dept summons Guyana’s Ambassador over election results

The United States Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemispheric Affairs, Michael Kozak on Thursday summoned Guyana’s Ambassador, Riyad Insanally to inform Guyana that a government sworn in based on non-credible results would be illegitimate. “On behalf of the U.S. government, today I summoned #Guyana Ambassador to the U.S. Riyad Insanally to convey our firm position that any government sworn ...

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Carter Centre election observer mission leaves Guyana after criticising APNU+AFC, PPP supporters

The United States-headquartered Carter Centre’s election observation mission on Friday left Guyana, saying the electoral process has so far ground to a halt and the security environment in the country has declined. “The Carter Center made the difficult decision to have the team leave Guyana earlier today after weighing a combination of factors, including the absence of an ongoing electoral ...

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