

Guyana will defend its sovereignty, Pres Ali tells UN General Assembly

President Irfaan Ali on Wednesday vowed to defend its territorial sovereignty in the face of  fresh threats by Venezuela after several companies bid to explore for oil in a number of offshore blocks. “Guyana will spared no effort in defending its sovereignty and territorial integrity,” he said in his address to the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly ...

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Pres Ali set to raise Venezuela’s threats at UN today

President Irfaan Ali is Wednesday expected to voice concern at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) about Venezuela’s threat to block investors from taking up oil blocks offshore Guyana. “The President will also highlight the recent statements and even threats made by Venezuela and bringing the UN General Assembly to it and, further, a number of bilaterals have also been ...

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Guyana’s water and sanitation utilities can benefit from UK-funded low cost natural disaster insurance

Guyana’s potable water and sanitation utilities are among those in the Caribbean that can now take advantage of a low-cost United Kingdom-funded US$25 million insurance scheme to fund repairs caused by disasters such as hurricanes and floods, , the UK High Commission here said in a statement. All Caribbean water and sanitation utilities are encouraged to join and will benefit ...

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Guyana takes united stand against Venezuela’s attempt to scare investors from new oil blocks

The Guyana government and the parliamentary opposition Tuesday strongly rebuffed Venezuela’s attempt to scare investors who have bid for eight offshore oil blocks by claiming ownership to those areas. Reacting sharply to Venezuela’s strong rejection to Guyana’s “illegal bidding round” for oil blocks on the basis that Georgetown does not enjoy sovereignty over that area, President Irfaan Ali warned that ...

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Congressional Black Caucus stays clear of Guyana’s domestic politics

The United States (US) Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) has made no mention that Guyana’s political issues were discussed last week with President Irfaan Ali, in contrast to a separate statement issued by Minority Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries. The CBC said President Irfaan Ali, Mr Jeffries, CBC Chairman Steven Horsford and other Members of the Congressional Black Caucus “had a productive ...

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CFATF “favourably” reviews Guyana’s anti-financial crimes regime, but recommends ‘unified’ law enforcement

The Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) has identified several areas that Guyana needs to tighten up as part of the global fight against money laundering and fighting terrorism, even as that regional organisation is satisfied with steps that have been taken so far to bring the country into legal compliance. While Guyana was using formal and informal mechanisms such ...

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Canada: Brampton publisher wins Guyanese writing competition

MiddleRoad Publishers wins the Guyana Prize for Literature Fiction Reproduced from Brampton Guardian By Alexandra Shimo Brampton Guardian They publish just four books per year. They operate on a shoestring budget. Yet Brampton’s MiddleRoad Publishers has on its roster the book that won the 2022 Guyana Prize for Literature Fiction. “It was euphoric,” said author Ken Puddicombe, who — as ...

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“Very pleased” with oil bid round, though old rules were more attractive to companies- Jagdeo

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday admitted that the new legal and fiscal terms for acquiring an oil block in Guyana, coupled with international conditions, resulted in a mere 8 bids for the 14 oil blocks offshore the South American nation. “Just imagine this bid round taking place under the old conditions, I believe we would have had all 14 ...

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Ali not disappointed by low bids in first oil block auction

President Irfaan Ali on Wednesday shrugged off suggestions that bids for a mere six bids for the 14 offshore oil blocks did not meet his government’s expectations. “I’m not disappointed.  I think this is a tremendous accomplishment given the circumstances of the market and the realities we are operating in,” he told an Inter-American Dialogue forum in Washington DC, in ...

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Ansa McAl expands further in Guyana; plans to train locals, make technologies available

The Trinidad-headquartered Ans McAl group of companies on Tuesday formally announced the establishment of a US$15 million subsidiary, Ansa Building Solutions (ABS) in Guyana that will eventually cater for various aspects of the infrastructure sector including laboratory and other tests. Initially, the company is employing 45 more persons and is offering paint with mixtures that can generate more than 2,000 ...

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