
Author Archives: Denis Chabrol

Derelict vehicles to be dumped off the Linden-Soesdyke Highway

Derelict vehicles across the country will soon be picked up and dumped near the Linden-Soesdyke Highway, Public Works Minister David Patterson announced Wednesday night. He said GYD$133 million have been set aside in the 2016 National Budget to prepare 50 acres of land along the Highway to store the vehicles. He said this “will facilitate compaction and storage of the ...

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Rates and taxes to be increased after Local Govt Elections

Minister of Communities, Ronald Bulkan Wednesday night signaled that residents in towns and neighbourhoods would  eventually have to pay increased rates and taxes after properties are re-valued following the upcoming Local Government Elections. “Of all of the factors, money is the most important one and therefore determining and establishing the revenue base  if Councils is a priority,” he said. In ...

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Stamp out gold smuggling, procurement fraud to pay Joint Services higher salaries

Shadow Junior Finance Minister, Juan Edghill Wednesday called on government to stop gold smuggling and stamp out claimed procurement fraud in order to find millions of dollars to pay increased salaries to the Joint Services and other government employees. Contributing to the debate on the 2016 National Debate, he said even if the smuggling of 15,000 ounces of  gold per ...

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Komal Chand claims Wales factory the same as Uitvlugt, Blairmont & other factories

The Head of the Guyana Agriculture Workers Union (GAWU) and People’s Progressive Party (PPP) MP Komal Chand has disclosed that the sugar factory at Wales Estate is the exact same as the ones at other sugar estates. Chand made the statement while delivering his offerings on the 2016 Budget debate where he flayed the government over the decision to close ...

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Head-to-head: Guyana’s health politicos offer Zika battle plans

Shadow Public Health Minister, Dr. Bheri Ramsaran Tuesday criticized government for failing to put sufficient measures in place to tackle the mosquito-borne Zika Virus that scientists believe is responsible for brain deformity in babies in neighbouring Brazil. “Nothing for vector control, that is a sick situation,” quipped Ramsaran, a former Health Minister, during his contribution to the 2016 Budget Debate. ...

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“Disappointed” Health Minister to replace GPHC Chairman charged in New York

Health Minister, Dr. George Norton says he is “disappointed” that the newly-appointed Chairman of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), Dr. Noel Blackman has been arrested and charged with illegally issuing prescriptions for a powerful painkiller in New York. Norton said already steps are being taken to replace Blackman as Chairman of the GPHC’s Board.  Sources said Dr. Max Hanoman, ...

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Former Health Minister Blackman arrested in New York for alleged illegal prescription of narcotic painkiller

United States Federal authorities arrested a former Minister of Health of Guyana, Noel Blackman who they suspect illegally prescribed vast amounts of oxycodone — 365,000 pills in 2015 — in a drug-dealing enterprise spanning three states. Blackman was recently appointed to chair the Board of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). The New York Newsday reported that Federal authorities arrested the ...

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Two charged with arson-murder of teenage sisters, dad

Two men were Monday arraigned for the murder of a father and his teenage daughters by burning a building at the corner of Robb and King Streets more than one year ago. They are businessman, 72-year old Ganga Krishna of 11 North Road, Bourda and his employee 24-year old Avishkar Kissoon of 1 Sheriff Street, Georgetown. They were not required to ...

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‘No ink’ delays Walter Rodney Commission of Inquiry Report

The presentation of the Walter Rodney Commission of Inquiry Report to President David Granger on Monday hit a snag because the ink being used to print the document has finished. “Commissioner of the Walter Rodney Commission of Inquiry,Sir Richard Cheltenham did not submit the COI Report to President David Granger, as was scheduled to happen today. Sir Cheltenham reported that ...

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GAWU dumps Guysuco’s farming plan for Wales; claims workers being sent home

Even as the Guyana Sugar Corporation begins shedding staff from Wales Estate ahead of its planned closure later this year, the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) Monday dismissed plans to provide lands to workers for farming. Reacting to the announcement by Chairman of Guysuco’s Board, Professor Clive Thomas in the privately-owned Stabroek News newspaper at the weekend, GAWU ...

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