
King not rogue! Mayor unaware of injunction against demolition at Dreadshop

Last Updated on Friday, 20 May 2016, 13:32 by

City Mayor Patricia Chase Greene on Friday defended a move by Town Clerk to demolish a structure at the Stabroek Market square for close to three decades.

Early Friday morning, the proprietors of Dread Shop in the vicinity of the 42 route minibus park turned out to their business only to discover that the building was completely bulldozed.

The proprietors claim that the Council bulldozed the structure despite an injunction from the Court of appeal barring them from doing so.

Questioned about the issue on Wednesday, Mayor Greene said that she was unaware of any injunction barring the City Council from demolishing the structure.

“As far as I am aware there is no court matter that exists
If there is one I would like the case number to be given to use so I can check the legal department,” said the Mayor.

The Mayor could not say whether notices were given in this particular instance but stated that it is customary for persons to be given notice of the impending demolition.

“We are not taking any big stick method to run and break down persons were given notices
vendors, all illegal structures were given notices,” said Greene.

She also stated that the Town Clerk Royston King has not gone rogue but rather delivering on the mandate of the council.

“The council doesn’t have to give the town clerk approval
under 28:01 the Town clerk has that right
no he is not going rogue he is working by law and the City engineers department,” said Greene.

“We have been receiving reports of striptease dancing on the streets of drugs selling there,” she added.

The Mayor was emphatic that “this city has to be restored and in the process while some people will be offended we still have to move forward and advance the city of Georgetown.”