
Guyana moves to introduce American electrical code

Last Updated on Saturday, 10 October 2015, 14:28 by GxMedia

The Hinterland Electrification Company Inc. (HECI), Ministry of Public Infrastructure,will be training 100 individuals on the essentials of the National Electrical Code (NEC), a USA standard for construction, installation, repair, upgrade and other electrical works, the ministry said in a statement.

The training session will be held over a two-week period, October 12 – 23, 2015.

According to Mr. Horace Williams, Chief Executive Officer, HECI, an expert associated with the National Fire Protection Association, USA, will facilitate the training sessions which will be held at the Regency Hotel, Hadfield Street.

Mr. Williams explained: “We are adopting the NEC as the standard in Guyana for all electrical works.  The NEC was gazette in 2008, under the Electricity Sector (Technical Standards) Regulations 2008, made under the Electricity Sector Reform Act 1999.

However, the bringing into force of the Code was delayed to allow reasonable time for familiarizing by contractors.  The Government is of the view that the time is now here, and expects shortly to pass the necessary instrument to bring the Code into effect.”

This training, which follows two prior sessions, will conclude Government’s sensitization programme for the introduction of the NEC, and will be done in two batches of 50 persons comprising electrical contractors, engineers, lecturers and instructors.

Upon completion, participants will receive a National Fire Protection Association Inc. certificate and a 2014 NEC Handbook.

Minister within the Ministry, Annette Ferguson, will deliver the opening remarks on Monday, October 12.