
Shot America Street robber found at Georgetown Hospital – police

Last Updated on Saturday, 17 August 2024, 11:29 by Writer

A suspected robber was shot in a store on America Street, Georgetown, as he fled the scene with the service pistol and ammunition that he grabbed from a security guard at a store where a money changer sought refuge, police said.

Police said at about 1:20 p.m. Friday, they visited the Emergency Unit of the Georgetown Public Hospital where 23-year-old Elijah “Swine” Martin, an unemployed resident of C-Field Sophia, Georgetown, was observed lying on a bed in the Critical Bay area with a wound to his left lower abdomen.

Investigators said they questioned him about how he received his injury, but he remained silent. Martin was placed under police guard.

Police said Martin was shot by the manager of J’s Outlet who is a licensed firearm holder. “The manager, who was armed with a licensed Glock 17 semi-automatic pistol, discharged several rounds in the direction of the suspect, one of which hit him to his lower abdomen,” the Guyana Police Force said.

According to police, the suspect then dropped the firearm that he was armed with and escaped with the Glock 9mm pistol with 17 rounds of 9mm ammunition which he allegedly stole from the security guard who drew his weapon on seeing two bandits pursuing the moneychanger.

“According to a 51-year-old clothes vendor/money changer, he was standing at the corners of Avenue of the Republic and America Street in the vicinity of J’s Outlet, plying his daily trade when he observed two men on a red and black XR motorcycle rode from the southern direction and stopped in front of him. The rider then shouted, “Shoot him and kill him,” which caused the money changer to run into J’s Outlet and raise an alarm. The pillion rider then dismounted the motorcycle and ran behind him into the store, pointing a gun at him,” police said.

After one of the robbers was shot, police said he joined his accomplice, who was waiting on the motorcycle on Avenue of the Republic, and rode off, heading north on the western half of Avenue of the Republic, then turned South on the eastern half, then turned North on the said eastern half of Avenue of the Republic, then East onto Charlotte Street and made good their escape.

Police said they processed the scene, and four live 9mm rounds and four 9mm spent shells, along with a silver and black .32 Taurus pistol with two .32 rounds of ammunition that the suspect dropped, were found at the scene.