
PPP may discuss Dharamlall’s eligibility for other party positions

Last Updated on Friday, 17 May 2024, 0:58 by Writer

PPPC parliamentarian, Nigel Dharmlall reading a copy of his party’s official organ, Thunder.

General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party Civic, Bharrat Jagdeo was Thursday tight-lipped on whether Executive Council member, Nigel Dharamlall was free to be nominated for existing party positions although he was being investigated for allegedly sexually assaulting a woman.

“That’s preempting the discussions that we may have so I don’t want to speculate on that matter,” he told a news conference.

He added that the holding of the next Central Committee meeting would not be delayed pending the completion of the police probe into the allegation by Sarah Hakh. “Our meeting has nothing to do with the police probe. The police probe is an independent probe. That has nothing to do with party business,” he said.

Mr Dharamlall was this month re-elected to the PPP’s 35-member Central Committee with 1,912 votes and a rank of number 6. He is also a member of the Executive Committee.

Mr Dharamlall earlier this week reported to the Cove and John Police Station where he was questioned in the presence of his lawyers. Attorney-at-Law Bernard Da Silva said that after confirming his identity and home address, and denying committing the offence, his client exercised his right to remain silent.

He was released from police custody on GY$500,000.