
Queen’s College teachers to go on go-slow today over fracas

Last Updated on Wednesday, 16 November 2022, 8:06 by Denis Chabrol

Teachers at Queen’s College are to go on a go-slow on Wednesday to protest the alleged hostile attitude of a senior member of the legal fraternity whose daughter attends that school, sources said.

The Headmistress briefed teachers a representative of the Board of Governors and a representative of the Guyana Teachers Union about the incident that allegedly occurred last Friday.

When contacted , Teachers Union General Secretary Coretta Mc Donald denied any knowledge of what reportedly transpired at the school. “The union first will have to find out what happened at Queen’s College and then make a statement” and when pressed whether the union was aware, she said “not sure”. Asked whether she was at the meeting on Tuesday, she said “I’m not sure what you’re talking about”.  She eventually acknowledged that she was at Queen’s College denied that the issue  was discussed. “We discussed other matters.”

However, Queen’s College teacher Craig Sylvester, who said he confronted Ms Mc Donald about her conflict of interest and whether she was a member of A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change, insisted that she was at there and contributed to the discussions. He declined to delve into details.

The Chairman of Queen’s College’s Board did not immediately take calls or respond to messages.;

The girl and the son of a senior official of the Ministry of Education had shoved each other at a classroom after she allegedly tried to enter te classroom against school rules and he blocked her. 

Sources said the Headmistress had the two students apologised to each other for allegedly assaulting each other.

After the apology was issued, the senior member of the legal fraternity left Court and went to the school where he allegedly had a hostile exchange with the deputy headmistress. A senior police officer eventually stood between the senior legal officer and the deputy headmistress.

The matter has been brought to the attention of the Chairman of the School’s Board of Governors, the Guyana Teachers Union and the Ministry of Education.

No representative of the Ministry of Education attended yesterday’s meeting.