Last Updated on Tuesday, 30 June 2015, 23:43 by GxMedia
Across the 10 Administrative Regions, today, elections were conducted to elect regional chairpersons, deputy regional chairpersons and councillors to serve the respective regions. The officials are usually sworn-in to their positions by the President.
Each region is administered by a Regional Democratic Council (RDC) which is headed by a chairman who along with his deputy and councillors are elected after elections. The following are the elected Regional officials:
Region One: Chairman: Brentnol Ashley
Vice Chairman: Sarah Browne
Region Two: Chairman: Devanand Ramdatt
Vice Chairman: Juliet Coonjah
Region Three: Chairman: Julius A Faeber
Vice Chairman: Inshaan Ayube
Region Four: Chairman: Genevieve Allen
Vice Chairman: Earl Lambert
Region Five: Chairman: Vickchand Ramphal
Vice Chairman: Rion Peters
Region Six: Chairman: David Armogan
Vice Chairman: Dennis DeRoop
Region Seven: Chairman: Gordon Bradford
Vice Chairman: Olinda Griffith
Region Eight: Chairman Bonnaventure Fredricks
Vice Chairman: Headley Pio
Region Nine: Chairman: Bryan Allicock
Vice Chairman: Carl Singh
Region Ten: Chairman: Renis Morian
Vice Chairman: Elroy Adolphus