
Tag Archives: Private Sector Commission (PSC)

Nothing wrong with SOCU only investigating alleged police force corruption -Private Sector Commission

The Private Sector Commission (PSC) on Tuesday said it had no problem with the Guyana Police Force’s (GPF) Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) investigating alleged corruption in that law enforcement agency, despite calls in other quarters for an independent probe. “SOCU was designed, in 0ur view, to be that source to do police investigation and other investigation as it was ...

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APNU+AFC labels PSC a PPP “stooge”; calls for elections audit, not mere recount

A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) has labelled the Private Sector Commission (PSC) a “stooge” of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) for insisting that a national recount would be a waste of time. This simplistic posture of the PSC, not only abrogates the transparency they claim to seek, but has removed the veil of neutrality in which it ...

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Private Sector Commission says total national recount “waste of time”

The Private Sector Commission (PSC), one of the local organisations that observed last month’s general elections, Monday night urged the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to abandon plans for a total national recount of the votes cast and instead focus on Region Four where a questionable tabulation and declared results were conducted. “It is the considered position of the PSC, after ...

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