
Tag Archives: PNC

OPINION: Queen Elizabeth fired her own son; nobody getting fired here

by GHK Lall “Step back from public duties for the foreseeable future.” That’s what His Royal Highness, Prince Andrew announced that he was going to do. In these politically disinfected and perfumed times, that’s the sweet syrupy version of what went down last week. I believe this royal rogue was “fired” by his mother. I really have little patience and ...

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Guyana’s newest political party rules out coalescing with “giants” ; identifies campaign financing, constitutional reform as big ticket issues

Guyana’s newest political party, Citizenship Initiative (CI), has vowed never to join either of the two big political parties and to strive for constitutional reform. Speaking during an interactive session at the party’s launch at Herdmanston Lodge, executive member Ruel Johnson ruled out the Citizenship Initiative teaming up with the either the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) or the People’s National ...

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OPINION: Presidents and former presidents must be diligent with truth and abandon the injurious

By GHK Lall I have come to associate serial deception as part of the political games played recklessly and injuriously in this country. Yet there has to be some limit; some personal defining line that some of us will not cross, regardless of the media mileage. Or the political and racial leverages that may intrigue and compel others to besmirch ...

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Current, past WPA members scold Granger over handling of Rodney Commission Report

Former and current members of the Working People’s Alliance (WPA) have lambasted Guyana’s President David Granger’s rejection of the Walter Rodney Commission of Inquiry Report. WPA Executive Member, Dr. David Hinds-fearing that efforts to heal political wounds  through the alliance between the WPA and Granger’s People’s National Congress (PNC) and later the Alliance For Change (AFC) will fail- cautioned against ...

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