
Tag Archives: Green State

Guyana gets US$1.7m to mainstream low-emission energy technologies

As Guyana forges ahead with its plan for a ‘green’ state, the Government, through the Office of Climate Change (OCC), has partnered with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to implement a project titled the “Mainstreaming Low Emissions Technologies to build Guyana’s Green Economy,” through US$1.7 million in financing from the GEF. The grant ...

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OPINION: The Forest Sector: The Jewel Standing Tall at the Intersection of Guyana’s Green and Brown Economy

By Deonarine Ramsaroop, Rafeek Khan and Dr. David Singh Guyana now stands at the winners’ podium for its non-renewable natural resources. Its oil and gas reserves are causing a growth rate of 16.3% between 2018 and 2021, double that of Ethiopia the next fastest growing economy. Indeed, the country’s brown economic output is set to explode. In a few short ...

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