
Tag Archives: elections

OPINION: Venezuela’s elections: hoping for the best, preparing for the worst

by R. Evan Ellis As Venezuela moves toward promised national elections on July 28, my heart is with the hopes of Venezuelans for a miracle that will translate their courageous act of voting, into a restoration of democracy. Everything I have seen unfold in the country over the past 25 years of my career in government and the private sector following Venezuela leads me to ...

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OPINION: No exit for GHK Lall

By Dr. Randy Persaud, Professor Emeritus Good writers always have an exit. By this I mean that when you back yourself into a corner, you have a full repertoire of strategic or tactical moves that can bail you out. This is normal when you write regularly about politics, and especially important when you situate yourself in the upper echelons of ...

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Police denies violating Clairmont Mingo’s constitutional rights

As the High Court prepares to hear Region Four elections Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo’s request to be released from police custody, the Guyana Police Force Thursday afternoon refuted claims that he was denied access to his lawyers. Police Commissioner Nigel Hoppie has been served an order for the habeas corpus case to be heard at 1:30pm Thursday. Mr Mingo denies ...

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OPINION: Guyana elections: Rigging for Dummies

by Paul Sanders, New York It will probably take a degree in law. Or political science. Or whatever! They should have seen this coming. Guyanese are living through the world’s stupidest era. Stupidity, while innately comical especially in the political sphere, often comes with a side of brutality. And we are forced to suffer fools. It took, more or less, ...

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OPINION: Return to election of direct representatives

by Surendra Dhanpaul The recently-concluded election in Guyana has drawn attention from almost every corner of the world. However, the fundamental problem of racism does not seem to get the attention it deserves. Racism in Guyana is dormant and resurrects every election cycle. It is a social problem that plagues, not only Guyana, but the world. In this opinion column, ...

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OPINION: Politicians must tackle racial divide head-on. But is it too late?

by GHK Lall Reference is made to the article within the Elections 2020 section of Stabroek News on February 3 titled, “Politicians need to tackle Guyana’s racial divide head-on.” It is certainly encouraging that there is this recognition, as belated as it is. I say this, because the racial divide, which I have been emphasizing from the loneliness of the ...

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APNU+AFC eyes overseas Guyanese vote now

The incumbent A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) is now eyeing overseas-based Guyanese to return home to vote on March 2, 2020, after at one stage insisting that the names of migrants must be removed from the voters list. APNU candidate, Ronald Bulkan declared this position Sunday night at a public meeting held at the Kitty Market Square, ...

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