
Tag Archives: Attorney General’s Chambers

Attorney General updates Guyana-born Belize Chief Justice during courtesy call

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall on Friday updated Chief Justice of Belize, Guyana-born Louise Esther Blenman on a number of projects during her courtesy call ahead of a major regional law conference that opens in Guyana next week. “The Hon. Attorney General welcomed the Hon. Chief Justice and updated her on a number of projects being ...

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Gov’t ordered to pay former Deputy Solicitor General, Prithima Kissoon, withheld salary

Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire has ruled that Prithima Kissoon, former Deputy Solicitor General must be paid her salary that had been withheld. Ms. Kissoon’s money had been withheld by the Permanent Secretary (PS) of the Ministry of Legal Affairs and the Attorney General. In May, 2017, the Attorney General caused Ms. Kissoon to be sent on “administrative leave” by the ...

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