

The APNU and AFC have not made a sound Case for wanting elections now by Prof. David Hinds

The AFC wants General Elections. The APNU wants Local Government Elections. The PPP wants no election. The AFC and APNU have threatened to take action if their calls are not heeded.  Political parties should be interested in elections for at least two primary reasons– to get into or remain in political office and to ensure that the rules of engagement ...

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Dissolution of PetroCaribe hangs over regional economies by Natan Levy

Reproduced from Business News Americas ( ) The PetroCaribe energy accord of 2005 stands at a point of significant uncertainty, according to a report from Scotiabank, posing substantial risks to Central American and Caribbean member states. While the collapse of the agreement is not a certainty, the fiscal dependence on Venezuela created by the agreement, which provides subsidized Venezuelan gasoline, is ...

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Op-Ed: No Man is an Island…or should be sent to one

by US Ambassador Brent Hardt. GEORGETOWN – As my tenure in Guyana draws to an end, I was saddened to hear the recent outburst from a prominent religious leader suggesting that his fellow citizens with different sexual orientations should be sent to live on an island. It was of course John Donne who famously observed that “No man is an ...

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Burnham Foundation talks up on Rodney Commission of Inquiry

The Burnham Foundation’s initial disposition, to the announcement of the establishment of the Commission of Inquiry into the death of Walter Rodney, was one of optimism.  The Foundation envisaged that the issue of Rodney’s death would be finally put to rest, although it was and is the view of the Foundation that many lives pre, peri and post 1978 have ...

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For Tribe or Country

by Sara Bharrat (reproduced from the blog: ) “My name is… Bharrat. I am an East Indian Guyanese…” (The beginning of a Primary School composition in the early 90s). The relative of a high ranking public official engaged me in conversation on January 15, 2014. We spoke briefly about the connotations of a certain word. They believe the word is an ...

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Attorney General bemoans opposition reaction to High Court ruling

by Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall. I view with deep regret, and indeed, with profound concern, the pronouncements emanating from lawyers who appeared in the recently concluded constitutional challenge to the cuts inflicted on the 2012 Budget. I refer to the lawyers who appeared for the Speaker and the Leader of the Opposition, respectively, and who, ...

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Release govt’s files on US-funded democracy project

First, I must express my most sincere gratitude to you, and by extension the Government of Guyana, for responding to my concerns regarding democracy, trust and tragedy in our nation. I hope that our interaction will inspire generations to come. I hope it serves as evidence that our leaders, our politicians, like you, are not unreachable or unwilling to engage ...

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