

2 AM curfew on bars, night clubs lifted temporarily

The 2 AM curfew on bars, clubs and other entertainment from Friday, 22nd December to mid-January, in response to calls from the private and public sector, the Ministry of Public Security announced Thursday. Following is the full text of a statement issued by the Ministry. Consequent upon an inundation of requests from businesses, Guyanese back home for the holidays, the ...

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Guyana-born man locked up in US for 30 years on wrongful rape, robbery conviction heads home for Christmas

BY CHRISTINA CARREGA and JAMES FANELLI (NEW YORK DAILY NEWS) He’s home for the holidays. Guyana-born Mark Denny, 47, has spent the past three decades behind bars for a brutal rape and robbery he didn’t commit. But last week he received the greatest gift of all — his freedom. The Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office said Wednesday morning that it had moved to ...

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Suspect arrested for gunning down of French Guiana-based Guyanese

Hours after a French Guiana-based Guyanese man was gunned down at Craig, East Bank Demerara, one of several suspects was arrested, the Guyana Police Force said. Lawmen nabbed he 21-year old man of 14th Avenue, Diamond, East Bank Demerara at about 2 PM. He is being questioned in connection with the murder of 42-year old Purcell Moore Jr. of First ...

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Prisoner, who allegedly threatened to kill Pres. Granger, on terror charge

A prisoner, who allegedly called 911 and threatened to kill President David Granger when he is released, was Wednesday arraigned on a terror charge. Aleem Ally, 22, was charged with one count of causing publc terror and three counts of making use of threatening language. He pleaded not guilty to the charges when they were read to him by Magistrate ...

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Company secures almost US$1 billion financing for oil production ship offshore Guyana

SBM Offshore on Wednesday confirmed the successful financing of its Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading FPSO Liza, totaling US$720million. The ship will be stationed offshore Guyana to produce, collect, store and offload crude oil from ExxonMobil’s fields to tankers that will take it to refineries. The company said the funds were secured through 12 international banks. SBM Offshore will draw ...

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ILO launches Skills for Green Jobs Study- Guyana

The International Labour Organization (ILO), in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Protection of Guyana, launched a comprehensive study report  titled “Skills for Green Jobs Study- Guyana”. The‘Skills for Green Jobs Study-Guyana’ highlights policies, programmes and emerging opportunities  in the green economy as Guyana sets it eyes on transitioning into a green economy.  The creation of more jobs, better jobs ...

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Fewer soft loans for oil-producing Guyana; growth rate may jump to 38.5 percent- IDB, IMF

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), in announcing its approval of Guyana’s four-year country strategy, has cautioned that the country would eventually not be eligible for a lot of international concessional financing when it becomes an oil-producer. “As Guyana transitions to oil and gas production by mid-2020, it is expected that the country will likely see reduced access to concessional resources ...

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Update: Police name prisoners who escaped through wall at police lockup

The Guyana Police Force says it has launched a massive search to tecapture three prisoners who escaped from the Golden Grove Police Station lockups, East Bank Demerara. Investigators said the men bolted through an opening on the western wall. “A piece of metal believed to have been broken off from the lockups door and used to break the wall,was found,” ...

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Brazil helps Guyana stave off three major viruses with massive vaccine donation

Brazil  on Tuesday donated a large quantity of Measles, Mumps and Ruebella (MMR) vaccines Brazilian Ambassador to Guyana, Lineu Pupo de Paula handed over the 10,000 vaccines to Minister of Public Health Volda Lawrence, Director of Family Healthcare Services Dr. Ertenesia Hamilton and Focal Point for Adolescent Health Dr. Oneka Scott. A total of 10,000 units were received to aid in ...

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Two-headed still-born baby delivered at New Amsterdam Hospital

A still-born girl with two heads was delivered at the New Amsterdam Hospital on Saturday, creating history in the Ancient County of Berbice. The baby, which completed its full nine months term and the first-born for the teenage mother, was delivered via caesarian section by a team of doctors at the hospital. Senior Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist Dr. Kester Persaud was ...

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