

The Catholic Church in politics then and now

by Carl B. Greenidge I read with utter fascination the account in the March 5th Edition of Demerara Waves an account of The Catholic Church’s contribution to views on the actions of the government and its Ministers in the aftermath of the debate on the two financial papers (7 & 8 under Bill#1 of 2012) laid in the House on ...

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The battle over the Speaker of the House

by Rohit Kanhai (New York-based Caribbean Daylight newspaper) “Livy says that Menenius told the soldiers a fable about the parts of the human body and how each has its own purpose in the greater function of the body. The rest of the body thought the stomach was getting a free ride so the body decided to stop nourishing the stomach. ...

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Parliamentary Representation

by Dr. Richard Vanwest Charles Our elections are over. National discontent is ever present amidst the possibility of having a different parliamentary experience which many never thought the 1980 Constitution could have delivered. Some see this as progressive and a golden opportunity for collaboration in the national interest. Others feel that this new dispensation has given the national psyche to ...

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UNASUR advances institutional building under Guyana’s chairmanship

by Odeen Ishmael On October 29, 2011, the Government of Guyana, after holding the annual rotating position of pro-tempore chair of UNASUR since November 26, 2010, handed over the gavel to Paraguay at the fifth meeting of the Council of Heads of State and Government held in Asuncion, the Paraguayan capital. During the year of Guyana’s chairmanship, the South American ...

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If the PPP can drown out the voices of AFC and APNU on NCN and in the Chronicle then the Buxtonions and Victorians can drown out the voice of the PPP in their own villages

Dr. David Hinds In our haste to be politically correct, to fall in step with broad notions of politics we often miss the essence of socio-political action that emanates from among the people. This is exactly the mistake that has been made by some people in the media, in the government and in High Civil Society in relation to some ...

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Meritocracy, Affirmative Action and Reducing Poverty in Guyana

by Dr. David Hinds Guyana’s second Presidential debate at the Theatre Guild was low-keyed compared to the one held last week at the University of Guyana. Perhaps the absence of the ruling PPP’s candidate had a lot to do with that outcome. Yet some of the answers are most revealing. They exposed, to a large extent, the ideological mindset of ...

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APNU, AFC presidential candidates undergo public scrutiny

APNU presidential candidate David Granger, Merundoi’s Margaret Lawrence and the AFC’s Khemraj Ramjattan Alliance For Change (AFC) presidential candidate Khemraj Ramjattan says his party would rather remain in opposition than join another to create a parliamentary majority following the November 28 general and regional elections. His comment was in response to a question from the audience at Wednesday’s Merundoi-organised Presidential ...

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Granger’s wife makes public pitch for APNU

Sandra Granger Sandra Granger, wife of APNU presidential candidate David Granger, has made her debut on the campaign trail at a party-organised Women’s Forum on Tuesday. Attendees at the event held at the Georgetown Club were drawn primarily from the National Congress of Women, the female arm of the PNCR which is the backbone of the opposition coalition. You can ...

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