

President Ramotar is misleading the Nation; Buxton has never been part of the Post-1955 PPP

by David Hinds President Ramotar in his remarks at the commissioning of the new Tipperary Hall in my home-village, Buxton, declared that the PPP and Buxtonions are inseparable.  The president’s remarks are inaccurate and misleading. According to the press reports, he made reference to the relationship between Buxton and the PPP in the period before the split of the party ...

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Denesh Ramdin’s antics are a reflection of our growing inability to Imagine

by David Hinds As I watched West Indies cricketer, Denesh Ramdin, celebrate his century at Edgbaston with a scrawled note addressed to Vivian Richards, I experienced multiple emotions–dismay, hurt, shame, anger. I wondered aloud about the conditions of our Caribbean. Even as I willed myself to condemn Ramdin, my intellectual and political instincts steered me in another direction. Whither the ...

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OP-ED: The Summit of the Americas, Quiet Progress amidst the Noise

by Assistant Secretary of Western Hemisphere Affairs Roberta S. Jacobson At the Sixth Summit of the Americas, held April 14-16 in Cartagena, Colombia, the United States and our hemispheric partners agreed on far more than the media has reported.  In a reflection of the equal and pragmatic partnerships that have characterized the Obama Administration’s policy in the Western Hemisphere  leaders ...

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The PPP Post-Budget Political Theatre: Appealing to Race and Pretending to be more hurt than it is

by Professor David Hinds If you have not been around long enough or have not studied Guyana’s political history, you may be tempted to misinterpret the noise coming from the ruling PPP in the wake of the budget cuts made by the Combined-Opposition as genuine hurt.  Guyanese should not be fooled by the PPP’s antics. That party is driven by ...

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Forked Tongue: Stabroek News’ Criticism of APNU for following its advice on “Making Deals” with the Government

By Professor David Hinds I had decided not to say anything public about the appalling, though not surprising, politics of the APNU and the AFC over the last few days. But I changed my mind when I read Stabroek News’ April 23, 2012 editorial (APNU’s Deals with the Government). The editorial waded into the APNU for secretly meeting with the ...

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Transparency Theatre: starring the PPP

There is never a week in Guyana that passes without some startling revelation about governance that leaves the more perceptive citizens in shock and awe. Actually, the Guyana government and its affiliated entities lead the way in producing the most absurdities that are not only disrespectful to the Guyanese people, but severely highlights the arrogance of the officials involved. Sometimes ...

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Guyana’s Joint Opposition missed the opportunity for a Political Solution immediately after the 2011 elections

by David Hinds For any society to advance it has to settle a fundamental question—Who Governs? Such a settlement is even more urgent in countries, such as Guyana, which are deeply polarized along ethno-racial and political lines. From the time of the split of the nationalist movement in 1955, this question has haunted Guyana. The failure to adequately address and ...

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The PPP is being deceptive and selective on the issue of Proportionality; The Opposition should challenge the composition of the Cabinet in the courts

by David Hinds The PPP has, since the results of the last elections, discovered the virtues of proportionality. It’s their new mantra. They placed it at the top of the tripartite agenda. They have now asked the court to pronounce on allocation of seats on the parliamentary committees. So far so good. The problem is that the PPP is being ...

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