

Ailing MP Allen chose to resign – Granger

Rennita Williams M.P being welcomed to the National Assembly by Speaker Raphael Trotman. Leader of the Opposition David Granger says hospitalised former APNU parliamentarian Richard Allen made the decision to resign in light of his health issues and the importance of the consideration of the budget estimates. Sections of the media have been reporting that Allen was forced out in ...

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Gratuity payments for Linden nurses “being handled” – Health Minister

Linden nurses picket for their gratuity payments opposite the Parliament Building. Minister of Health Dr. Bheri Ramsaran on Wednesday told the National Assembly that gratuity payments for Linden nurses were being handled even as the nurses continued strike action started earlier in the day with a picket outside Parliament Building . The matter was raised by APNU’s Region 10 representative ...

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Budget “trouble” rooted in Guyana’s politics – Ramjattan

Tuesday’s sitting went past midnight AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan says the “trouble” that will befall the 2013 budget when consideration of the estimates begins stems from the turmoil within Guyana’s politics. His remarks on Tuesday came in the wind down of debate on the GUY$208.8B budget estimates presented by the government.

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