

High Court discharges Robert Corbin’s case against ERC

High Court Judge, Brassington Reynolds has discharged an injunction which was filed in 2006 by then Opposition Leader , Robert Corbin regarding to constitutionality of the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC).. Former ERC Chairman, Junior Finance Minister  Juan Edghill told the media at his office today that the lawyers for Corbinon Monday indicated that they did not wish to continue with ...

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Elderly woman found strangled

A woman was killed during a robbery at North Ruimveldt. From all accounts she was strangled. She has been identified as 75 year old Joyce Lewis of 3630 Christiani Street, North Ruimveldt. Police spokesman, Ivelaw Whittaker said Lewis’ hands and feet were tied and “the house was completely ransacked”. Investigstors are working on the theory that she was killed during ...

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Speaker appeals High Court ruling against budget cut

As parliamentarians prepare to debate the 2014 National Budget, House Speaker Raphael Trotman has appealed a High Court decision that the National Assembly could not cut the estimate of expenditures. In moving to the Court of Appeal against the January 29,2012 ruling by Chief Justice Ian Chang, the Speaker said the Judge was wrong in finding that it was illegal ...

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Several port security plans up for renewal

As Guyana prepares for the renewal of several of its port security master plans overseas experts on Tuesday imparted vital knowledge on reducing threats at major marine points of entry and exit. United States Coast Guard (USCG), Lieutenant Commander, Jonathan Mangum said many local port security master plans would expire this year. He said their renewal would require hard work ...

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Indonesian charged with overstaying two years

An Indonesian, who allegedly overstayed in Guyana for two years, was Tuesday granted GUY$100,000 bail and ordered to lodge his passport until the end of the trial. Martomi Ajen of 128 Premniranjan Place, Prashad Nagar, Georgetown pleaded not guilty to the offence when he appeared before City Magistrate, Faith Mc Gusty. Police said that he was permitted to stay in ...

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Ganja in tablets lands businesssman in court

A businessman, who claimed that a drug store owner gave him a package that included marijuana and tablets, was Tuesday granted GUY$40,000 bail on a charge of possession of narcotics. He is Ronald James of 55 Albouys Street, Albouystown, Georgetown. He told the court that he was unaware that the 10 grammes of marijuana had been among the items. Police ...

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GWI team rushes to Paramakatoi stricken by water shortage

The Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) was Tuesday preparing to rush engineers and other personnel to Paramakatoi to plug a leaking reservoir that has caused residents and government offices to be out of water for several days now. The utility company said it received a report on March 20 that water supply in the community was being disrupted. “The Toshao of ...

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Essequibo rice farmers picket budget reading

Several Essequibo rice farmers on Monday picketed the National Assembly as the budget was being read despite assurances from the government that they would soon be paid monies owed to them. Minister of Agriculture Dr. Leslie Ramsammy recently revealed that farmers were owed some $300M by millers and that his ministry would be moving to clear the debt. He explained ...

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“Kartel” loses hand in CBR smash-up

A CBR biker late Monday night lost his right hand when he crashed into a parkerd car on Norton Street, Lodge, Georgetown. He is 24-year old Kevin “Kartel” Griffith of Stevedore Housing Scheme, Georgetown. Hospital sources said he was conscious and in no immediate danger. Surgery was expected to be performed late in the night into early Tuesday morning. Eyewitnesses ...

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UG to benefit from EU-funded EDULINK programme on renewable energy

The University of Guyana has teamed up with the Anton de Kom University of Suriname (AdeKUS) and the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium to be part of €613,640 (US $840,686) programme geared at capacity building in applied renewable energy technologies. Seventy-five percent of the funding is made possible through a grant under the ACP-EU Cooperation Programme in Education (EDULINK ...

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