

PPP losing East Indian support-base; time to share power with opposition – Ramkarran

Former People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Executive Committee member, Ralph Ramkarran has said that that political organization would ultimately have to give into power-sharing because the latest population census shows that its traditional East Indian support continues to decline. “With confirmation of the reducing Indian population by the census, if the PPP wants to continue holding political power, it has to ...

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Five BK employees arrested for stealing spare parts

Five employees of BK Group of Companies were taken into police custody Saturday afternoon after they were caught allegedly stealing Mack Trucks spare parts from the company valued approximately GUY$40 million. The company said in a statement that the men were assisting police with their investigations. The items allegedly stolen include but are not limited to a computer box, fuel ...

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Local govt elections machinery rusty – PPP Commissioners on GECOM

In the wake of repeated calls by Western Diplomats for the Donald Ramotar administration to call long-delayed Local Government Elections, three Election Commissioners affilated to the ruling party on Saturday said the electoral machinery is not well-oiled. That is in stark contrast to a GECOM source saying earlier this week that the electoral management body needs 180 days to prepare ...

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Guyana-registered cargo ship intercepted with ganja in int’l waters

A Guyanese-registered cargo vessel, which was returning to Guyana from Jamaica, was intercepted with more than 5,000 pounds of compressed marijuana as well as illegal weapons, sources said Saturday. The vessel named MV An-Nur usually transports rice from the Essequibo Coast to neighbouring countries as well as other Caribbean countries including Jamaica. Five Guyanese crew members were arrested during the ...

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PNCR names five-member Disciplinary Committee to probe Kissoon-Clarke altercation

The People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) has established a five-member Disciplinary Committee to investigate a recent altercation between the party’s General Secretary, Oscar Clarke and Vanessa Kissoon. While Clarke is expected to appear before the committee, from the tone of Kissoon and her allies in Linden/ Region 10, she is not expected to appear before the committee due to concerns ...

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US$4 million more needed to fix Skeldon Sugar factory- officials

The troubled Skeldon Sugar Factory needs another US$4 million in modifications before it can grind at its maximum as was envisaged when it was commissioned five years ago, top officials said Friday. Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (Guysuco) Dr. Raj Singh said that due to existing deficiencies the throughput was a mere 200 tons of cane per ...

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Region 10 PNCR members threaten “political action” over Kissoon’s suspension

A number of People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) members and leaders have warned their party leader, David Granger that they would be forced to take “political action” if Vanessa Kissoon’s matter is not handled to their satisfaction. Kissoon has since publicly protested what she regarded as Granger’s unilateral decision to suspend her over an altercation on June 20 at Congress ...

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Guysuco outlines some cost cutting measures

The cash-strapped Guyana Sugar Corporation (Guysuco) plans to cut its operational costs by, among other measures, using bio-fertilizer and leasing more lands to private cane farmers, Chief Executive Officer Dr. Raj Singh told a bipartisan House Committee on Economic Services. “No matter what we do in terms of increasing the production, if we don’t look at reducing our cost of ...

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National Chess Coach walks out of court a free man

National Chess Coach, Wendell Meusa walked out of the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court a free man after the woman who accused him of unlawfully assaulting her with intent to rob decided to no longer provide evidence in the case. Shaleeza Mohamed informed the court, being presided over by Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry, that she did not want to proceed with the ...

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Two escape during marijuana, ammo find

Two men fled police Friday afternoon, leaving behind a sizeable amount of marijuana and ammuniton at a camp at Sheet Anchor, East Canje, Berbice. Police said they found 178 twelve gauge shotgun cartridges and 4.5 kilogrammes of dried marijiuana. “Two men were seen running away from the camp as the police ranks approached,” police spokesman, Ivelaw Whittaker said in a statement.

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