

Miner dies after pit caves in

Despite rigorous efforts by stakeholders in the gold mining industry, another miner has been killed as a result of the cave in of a pit. Police said that at about 6 PM on Sunday, May 29, 2016, Ramal Williams was killed while working in a mining pit at Konawaruk Backdam, Potaro “when it caved and he was trapped beneath.” Williams, ...

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PPP asks govt to reveal identities of pardoned prisoners, repeat offenders

As President David Granger prepares to pardon several more persons convicted for non-lethal offences, the opposition People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) wants government to answer in the National Assembly several key questions about the convicts’ identities and process of pardoning. Shadow Attorney General, Anil Nandlall wants Public Security Minister, Khemraj Ramjattan to tell the House the names of convicts, dates ...

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“Corruption in Guyana is most widespread outside of government”- Pres. Granger

President David Granger has suggested that anti-corruption critics of his government should turn their attention to the private sector, individuals and other organisations where the scourge is more rampant. “It is my view that corruption in Guyana is most widespread outside of government. The crimes of tax evasion, contraband smuggling, narcotics trafficking, trafficking in persons, money laundering- all contribute to ...

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Several injured during incident at Providence Stadium

More than 30 persons were early Sunday morning injured at the Providence Cricket Stadium when pandemonium broke out during a concert there, authorities said. Most of them were either treated and sent away or eventually went to other hospitals in the capital, Georgetown, for further treatment to minor cuts, lacerations and  bruises. At least five of them up to 8 ...

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One Guyanese fisherman dead, three others missing; five suspected pirates arrested

One Guyanese fisherman has died and three others have been reported missing after pirates attacked them while they were in the Lower Shell Area, Nickerie, Suriname,  the Guyana Police Force said Saturday. Five suspects have since been arrested in a boat at Number 65 Village, Corentyne. “During this morning, acting on information received, the police went to the No.65 Village ...

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Teenage waitress shot while on duty

A waitress was shot and injured while on duty at a restaurant at Better Hope, East Coast Demerara, East Coast Demerara. Investigators were told that at about 10:45 PM at about Friday May 27, 2016, waitress Onica Luke, 16 years, of Vryheid’s Lust, East Coast Demerara was working at the Lucky Star Chinese Restaurant at Better Hope, East Coast Demerara when ...

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Cash woes at City Hall continue… staff, garbage companies still unpaid

The two major solid waste disposal companies that serve Georgetown on Friday continued to express grave concern about City Hall’s failure to pay them millions of dollars for services provided during the past several months. Employees of the Georgetown City Council were again not paid on Friday, despite a cautious assurance by a top finance official at City Hall on Wednesday, ...

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Junior Culture Minister apologises for PPPC seating problems at Flag Raising

Junior Minister of Education, Culture Youth and Sport, Nicolette Henry on Friday apologised for problems with the seating accommodation that Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo and other members of parliament for the opposition People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) said they experienced at Wednesday night’s Flag Raising Ceremony. “In the circumstances I wish to state that as the organizer of this event I ...

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President Granger confers Order of Roraima on Barbados Prime Minister

President David Granger, who is Chancellor of the Orders of Guyana, today, conferred Prime Minister of Barbados, the Right Honourable Freundel Stuart with the insignia of the Order of Roraima, Guyana’s second highest National Award. The Ministry of the Presidency said the investiture ceremony was held at State House, the President’s official residence. The Prime Minister was bestowed with this ...

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Barbados’ Prime Minister tops Guyana’s National Awardees

Barbados’ Prime Minister, Freundel Jerome Stuart has topped Guyana’s list of National Awardees that was announced to coincide with the South American country’s 50th Independence Anniversary. Stuart, who travelled  to Guyana to participate in the Jubilee Celebrations, was awarded the Order of Roraima “for his dedication and commitment to the Caribbean Community and his unflinching support for the rights of ...

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