

Guyana objects to Venezuela’s request for 12 months to submit more pleadings to World Court

Guyana on Tuesday objected to Venezuela’s request to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for 12 months to submit additional pleadings in the border dispute case over the Essequibo Region, Attorney General Anil Nandlall said. “Guyana noted that Venezuela’s request for a 12-month period was excessive given that the case has been pending for six (6) years and that the ...

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CCJ had noted High Court constraints in Guyana

The Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) had taken note of the limited number of judges in Guyana’s High Court, despite the legal requirement to deliver decisions within 120 days. During the hearing of an appeal in the matter of Ramon Gaskin v Minister of Natural Resources and others, CCJ President Justice Adrian Saunders had told Lawyer for the applicant, Seenath ...

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Attorney General objects to news report on interaction with Chief Justice about judges’ heavy workload; restates late decisions are illegal

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall on Friday objected to the tone of a news story based on an interaction between himself and Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire about judges writing late decisions. The Chief Justice stressed that the workload was very heavy and she commended judges, commissioners of title and magistrates for dealing with the huge number ...

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Chief Justice slams Attorney General over judges’ workload: “…you all don’t realise that if you cut us, we will bleed”

Time Limit for Judicial Decisions Act is heresy – Chief Justice Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire on Thursday lashed out at Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall who recently cautioned that judges could be removed for failing to write their decisions within 120 days. Just minutes before scheduling decisions in two cases about the government’s eviction of residents ...

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WPA activist charged in connection with call to kill President

Working People’s Alliance (WPA) executive member, Kidackie Amsterdam was Thursday charged under the Cybercrime Act with using a computer system to encourage or incite persons to commit a criminal offence against the President of Guyana Kidackie Amsterdam, 46, of Buxton, East Coast Demerara pleaded not guilty to the charge. City Magistrate, Faith McGusty granted the accused GY$200,000 bail and ordered ...

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High Court paves way for electoral fraud charges to go ahead in Magistrates’ Court

Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire on Friday ruled that the constitutional rights of then Chief Election Officer Keith Lowenfield and his Deputy Roxanne Myers to a fair trial would not be violated because the Representation of the People Act prohibits disclosure of meetings of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM). As a result of the dismissal of the case, according to Attorney ...

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Govt appeals High Court ruling in favour of teachers’ union

The Guyana government on Wednesday asked the Court of Appeal to throw out High Court Judge, Sandil Kissoon’s entire decision that the teachers’ strike to demand collective bargaining was lawful and legitimate and so monies from their salaries must not be deducted for day off the jog. Attorney General Anil Nandlall also applied to the Guyana Court of Appeal for ...

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Teachers Union announces strike resumption from Thursday

The Guyana Teachers Union (GTU) on Tuesday announced that from Thursday May 9, 2024, teachers would be resuming strike to once again pressure government into negotiating increased salaries from 2019 t0 2023, a position that government has already rejected. “Because of the absence of collective bargaining, on the part of the government, the Ministry of Education to address the conditions under ...

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ExxonMobil, RAMPS Logistics summoned to appear in court for alleged US$12.1 billion false customs declaration

Representatives of ExxonMobil Guyana and its customs brokerage company, RAMPS Logistics are now set to appear in the Georgetown Magistrates Court for allegedly falsifying customs declaration to the amount of US$12.1 billion for imports of oil well equipment and other supplies. In the name of Guyana Revenue Authority’s (GRA) Commissioner-General, Godfrey Statia, ExxonMobil has been charged with having caused to ...

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High Court judge in GTU case was “presumptuous” – Jagdeo

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday said High Court Judge, Sandil Kissoon was “presumptuous” to say in his recent decision in favour of the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) that President Irfaan Ali’s meeting with teachers did not amount to collective bargaining. “In this case, he wasn’t doing anything illegal for the court to… but it’s presumptuousness to criticise the President, ...

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