

PPP accuses gov’t of spending taxpayers money to defend APNU+AFC in US; Harmon defends decision for gov’t, country

The opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) on Wednesday accused government of spending thousands of United States (US) dollars of taxpayers’ money to pay an American lobbying firm to defend A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) against claims of electoral process, but a top government official fired back, saying that government has a legitimate right to defend Guyana’s image. ...

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Start date for national vote recount “likely” today

The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) on Wednesday afternoon indicated that a date for the start for the national recount of votes cast in March’s general elections is likely to be decided soon and that the exercise could be finished by April 30, 2020. These indications came from GECOM Chairman, Retired Justice Claudette Singh and pro-coalition Elections Commissioner, Vincent Alexander shortly ...

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GECOM to put brake on recount after Court of Appeal decision on recount case

The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) will not activate plans for a recount of votes cast in last month’s general and regional elections until the Court of Appeal on Sunday rules on whether the High Court can legally hear a judicial review of the commission’s decision. Attorney-at-Law, Kim Kyte for GECOM Chairperson Retired Justice Claudette Singh told the court that GECOM ...

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AFC ready for talks on national unity government, lays down minimum arrangements

The Alliance For Change (AFC) Monday night endorsed calls for a national unity government and constitutional reform and said it was ready to be party of those discussions. “The Party therefore calls on our national leaders to immediately commence talks in good faith to achieve those objectives of unity, healing and reconciliation. The AFC has authorised its leaders to actively ...

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OPINION: Pathway to power-sharing “the only way out of our draining problems”

By GHK Lall Though I am pessimistic about the prospects of power-sharing in this country, I see it as the only way out of our draining problems. The winner-takes-all results over each elections cycle have left us in a darker, more dangerous place. Our society is more polarized, losing citizens more disgruntled, more uncooperating, and more undermining. We cannot go ...

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GECOM Chair, Chief Elections Officer at odds over recount of general election votes

The Chairperson of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Retired Justice Claudette Singh and the Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield are at odds over whether the seven-member body can order a recount of votes cast in general and regional elections earlier this month. Singh, through her lawyer Kim Kyte-Thomas, said in High Court papers that the seven-member GECOM can constitutionally order ...

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Gov’t hints at restricting movement of people to halt Coronavirus

The Guyana government on Wednesday warned that it would take “extreme measures” against people who are moving about freely and so risk contracting or spreading the deadly coronavirus,  COVID-19. The National COVID-19 Task Force (NCTF) warned that Guyana might have to follow several other countries in curtailing the movement of people in an effort to curb the disease that has ...

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ACDA, PPP, small parties back calls for national recount of votes

The African Cultural and Development of Association (ACDA) on Thursday said it was committed to resolving Guyana’s current political impasse through a national recount of votes cast in the March 2, 2020 general and regional elections, but said the winner must share the political power. “A verified recount of all electoral districts as legally permitted under the Constitution, under the ...

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OPINION: Mr President, please call off the Dogs of War

by Major General (Ret’d) Joseph Singh I respectfully pen this open letter to you via the media in the hope that you will realise the national importance I have attached to taking this step. I am placing my neck on the line that you are being manipulated by persons who do not have the best interests of our beloved Guyana ...

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