
Author Archives: Denis Chabrol

Guyana intensifies water search

Even as hospitals and restaurants are being  urged to store water to help cope with the drought, authorities are considering diverting creeks to the East Demerara Water Conservancy (EDWC) if a flyover shows that water is available, according to the Director General of Guyana’s Civil Defence Commission, Retired Colonel Chabilall Ramsarup. “I did recommend that we should look at north of ...

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BREAKING NEWS: Woman removed from inhumane conditions at mother’s home

A 31 year old woman,  believed to be mentally ill, was Thursday removed from a muck-laden room where she was locked away and made to eat and sleep among her waste. Her removal stemmed from Monica Edwards raising concerns about the woman's welfare directly with Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo during a public day with residents ar Perth Park, Essequibo Coast. ...

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Govt claims drought-stricken Essequibo farmers are victims of opposition political sabotage

Amid a scorching drought, combined with salt water intrusion, that is biting rice and 'cash crop' farmers on the Essequibo Coast, a top government official says drainage and irrigation workers there maybe engaging in political sabotage. The Prime Minister's Special Representative in Region Two, Karan Chand told reporters that he believes that a number of the rangers might be sabotaging ...

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Security guards at Movie Town construction site shot

Two security guards at the construction site of Movie Town at Liliendaal, East Coast Demerara were shot and injured early Thursday morning, police said.  ‎ Investigations so far revealed that at about 4 AM, two men turned up at the guard hut on the northern side and one of them discharged several rounds from a handgun.  The guards, who are ...

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GYD$20 million worth of smuggled goods seized

The Guyana Revenue Authority Wednesday said it seized almost GYD$20 million worth of smuggled goods and detained a number of vehicles that were used to transport the items  in January. The seizure of the un-customed goods by the GRA’s Law Enforcement and Investigation Division (LEID) has been is part of what the agency calls its “relentless”  pursuit of smugglers “The countrywide ...

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Drought forces water rationing in areas of Georgetown

Rationing of water being supplied to residents of Georgetown from the Shelter Belt Water Treatment Facility begins Wednesday night (3rd February, 2016) from 10 O’clock due to the current drought. The Guyana Water Inc. explains that this is as a result of another decrease in the level of the East Demerara Water Conservancy (EDWC) due to the prolonged dry season. ...

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War on mosquitoes launched; residents urged to take precautions against fog

As Guyanese authorities seek to push back the Zika Virus, which has so far reportedly infected one Guyanese here, a massive offensive has been launched against mosquitoes in Georgetown and parts of East Coast and East Bank Demerara. The Ministry of Public Health also urged residents to stop harbouring breeding grounds for mosquitoes and ensure that all foods, domestic animals, ...

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Govt denies more contract workers hired, salary bill skyrocketed

The Guyana government Wednesday denied reports that the hiring of contract workers has ballooned under the nine-month old coalition-led administration, saying that the new figure takes into account the creation of a super-ministry. The Stabroek News newspaper, quoting from a 2016 Budget Review done by Chartered Accountant, Christopher Ram, stated that the Ministry of the Presidency (MOTP) now employs 505 ...

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Guyana on red alert for Zika

The Guyana government has launched a multi-sectoral approach to minimize the chances of the mosquito-borne Zika virus from spreading to Guyana, the Ministry of Tourism announced Wednesday. Though not deadly, scientists say the virus has caused pregnant mothers to deliver babies with small or under-developed brains. Scientists also say the virus may be spread by sexual intercourse. Authorities say one Guyanese ...

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