Last Updated on Tuesday, 17 October 2023, 9:09 by Denis Chabrol
by GHK Lall
They tell me that Attorney General, The Hon. Mr. Anil Nandlall, SC, MP, Esq., is a fine son of this magnificent soil. That he is, oh yes, that he is. The word is that the same Mr. Nandlall is an even finer ray in his luminosity on things related to the law. Though there is confidence that some truth exists on that score, I exercise my right to take such under advisement. There is the certainty that Mr. Nandlall in any capacity-citizen, constitutionalist of rare order, or practitioner of the majestic arts of the law-will not object to such an exercise on my part.
It is with trepidation, therefore, that I stumbled across this learned man, this upstanding marshal of things orderly and lawful, and discovered that he harbors some degree of consternation over citizens-a mere few of them-venturing into the judicial arena to obtain some respite from the bench over their alarms. From what I gather, Mr. Nandlall would rather see them benched, and not given the freest passage to state their concerns, to present their fears about hidden calamities before the bench. On that lofty bench sits members from the galaxy of Guyana’s eagle-eyed and bat-eared tribunes. The magistracy is groped for as the last remaining bastion of justice, of the curative, of the small man’s narrative. Neither manifestoes nor leadership arts nor corporate (foreign) public relations prove adequate, reliable. Such should not be obscure from a man of Mr. Nandlall’s perspicacity.
Frivolous is the word that gained the rich currency and blessing of Mr. Nandlall as he prays for any favorable hearing that could come his way re the imposition of the bar of costs. A deterrent, by another name. The more favorable such listening is from jurists, the more Mr. Nandlall could be inspired to greater actions via frequency of appeal over what bothers his beloved comrades in the party and government (PPP). The trouble is that what Mr. Nandlall finds convenient to package as ‘frivolous’ is what is the cause of many fevers in the mostly female band of sisters and warriors who bring their battles before the bench.
While there can be no question, no pushback, that Mr. Nandlall’s fertile brain buzzes, and needs no fertilizers [liquid or solid], I regret that he leaves no space but to pin him against the wall of peculiar fame that he has created for himself. Is there no limit, O esteemed one, to the indecencies and the tragedies that the PPP piles on Guyanese? If today, they can’t file a petition to protect their contemporaries, then I suspect that more political vulgarity cloaked in the lawyerly syrupy, could be coming out of the PPP laboratory.
For when Mr. Nandlall dismisses one man’s (apologies, some women) freedom of conscience under the tattered flag of ‘frivolous’ then I daresay that freedom to think could be the next casualty of the war that the PPP has declared on Guyanese dissenters. Josef Stalin, Mr. Nandlall should know, use to brand such people as ‘misfits’, lunatics, and heretics. Of course, given these politically correct times, Mr. Nandlall [ever the stickler for appearances] would not be caught dead, or on tape, uttering such a lapse in judgment or looseness of speech.
To my surprise, and not a little shame too (for Mr. Nandlall) over what I heard and interpreted, filing court cases of a certain content and bent now amount to the handiwork of the equivalent of headcases and nutcases. On behalf of disturbed Guyanese, a word of thanks is extended to Mr. Nandlall for not delivering such local petitioners of the court into the tender category of outlawry, as in hardcases. In absorbing Mr. Nandlall’s histrionics and hijinks, something becomes undeniable.
It is that the PPP, as a government and an enterprise of a specific kind of commerce, expends a considerable amount of time, talent, and treasure to takeout those Guyanese who take it to task, for one governance failure after another.
Their circuits are short circuited, their residual channels of escalation are plugged, and the environment is more and more conditioned to be of one people with one thought in the head. The white man knows best, and the PPP is the best of the rest. I am shocked that a man of the pathology and prowess and particular penchants of Mr. Nandlall would willingly consent to be associated with such a patented pot of … I hope that I have not offended his tender sensibilities. What about day in court, and the entitlement to a hearing, no matter in which direction the leaning? What about the judiciary being the sole safe harbor of integrity and sanity, Mr. Nandall?
I can hear Mr. Nandlall choking on the word that he and his kind like to use, which is preposterous. In the preposterous lies the kernel of what could be calamitous for the PPP Government and its scaly, nasty, and smelly imperialist minded friends. In my broadest imagination I could never have foreseen anything remotely resembling a slave master’s and plantation mentality. Or of him being anywhere near to such people. Or of him seemingly consorting with the blood enemies of the Guyanese people It is never too late to learn, and I am learning every day in Guyana. The ruff and tuff part is that I would prefer no such learning at all. Thanks, but no thanks brother Anil. I trust I am still seen as one, and not as some traitor. Or frivolous.