
Daily Archives: Wednesday, 14 August 2024, 21:08

Construction of oil refinery not currently feasible

Last Updated on Wednesday, 14 August 2024, 22:07 by Writer The construction of an oil refinery on Crab Island, Berbice River, is not currently feasible because of the current oil production output and shallowness of the waterway around the proposed location, Minister of Natural Resources Vickram Bharrat said Wednesday. “We will have to do a bit more assessment and allow ...

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Oil companies set to ink agreements to kick off exploration

Last Updated on Wednesday, 14 August 2024, 22:02 by Writer Ten months after Guyana’s first ever bid round yielded six companies for eight offshore oil blocks, government on Wednesday announced that negotiations have concluded and the companies were poised to sign the production sharing agreements (PSAs) and pay the signature bonuses. The signature bonus would be US$10 million for shallow ...

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OPINION: Is Exxon bigger than Guyana’s parliament, possibly the judiciary also?

Last Updated on Wednesday, 14 August 2024, 21:47 by Writer by GHK Lall There is gratitude that the Clerk of the National Assembly, Mr. Sherlock Isaacs, corrected himself. This immediately opened a new chapter of disagreement re whether private companies could be summoned before parliament. The highest house of the Guyanese people is not a place for frivolity or facetiousness. ...

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OPINION: Five observations about the WPA

Last Updated on Wednesday, 14 August 2024, 21:29 by Writer By Dr. Randy Persaud, Professor Emeritus The WPA has been around since the 1970s. In the early days it played a useful role in helping the PPP remove the authoritarian People’s National Congress. One of the WPA stalwarts, Dr. Walter Rodney, was assassinated by the state in June 1980. The ...

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