
Essequibo Coast taxi driver charged with assaulting police

Last Updated on Monday, 22 July 2024, 18:58 by Writer

Jitendra Baljodah

A taxi driver of Onderneeming/Sand Pit, Essequibo Coast is on court bail after he pleaded not guilty to assaulting a peace officer and several other related offences, the Guyana Police Force (GPF) said on Monday.

Jitendra Baljodah, 35, was slapped with the four charges for the offences he allegedly committed on two policemen on June 26, 2024.

Suddie Magistrate, Tamieka Clarke on July 19 granted the accused GY$35,000 bail each for the charges of assaulting a peace officer and resisting a peace officer, and GY$10,000 each for threatening language and disorderly behaviour charges.

Mr Baljodah was ordered to return to court on August 9 for disclosure of statements.

The GPF did not provide the circumstances surrounding the alleged offences.