
One dead, another injured in robbery-murder at wedding celebration

Last Updated on Monday, 1 January 2024, 12:12 by Denis Chabrol

An Assistant at the Lands and Surveys Commission was shot dead and another man was seriously by bandits who invaded a wedding house at Canal Number 2 Polder, West Bank Demerara late Old Year’s Night 2023.

Investigators said 40-year-old Natram ‘Vishal’ Persaud, an Assistant at the Lands and Survey Department and of Lot 43 Stanleytown, West Bank Demerara was shot to the back of his head by one of the three bandits who he confronted moments after one of the other attendees was shot and robbed.

“The suspects exited the yard and Persaud chased behind them and began to scuffle with one of the suspects. During the scuffle, a loud explosion was heard, after which Persaud fell to the ground,” the Guyana Police Force said in a statement. The three bandits then made east of the Canal #2 Polder access road, police were also told.

During the robbery at about 10:50 Sunday night, 31st December, 2023, police said Manipaul ‘Anand’ Rambarhak, 57, a farmer of Canal Number 2 Polder was robbed of his gold hand band valued at GY$250,000. Police said Ramharack received a gunshot injury to his stomach which exited his lower back. He underwent emergency surgery at the Woodlands Hospital where he remained in a critical condition.

Police said they were also informed at the time of the incident, the wedding celebration of Mr and Mrs Samsundar was being held at Canal #2 and there were about 60 persons in attendance.

After the masked bandits entered the open gate, one of the bandits fired two rounds at Ramharack and robbed of is gold band.

Detectives said they processed the scene and three .45mm spent shells were recovered; one on the bridge area and two at the entrance of the yard. Several CCTV cameras were seen affixed to the building where the wedding function was held, and these will be reviewed by detectives, the police force added.