
Region Five REO’s son dies in collision

Last Updated on Saturday, 26 December 2015, 20:59 by GxMedia

The remains of Donald Ambedkar’s car

Donald Ambedkar- the son of the Region Five Regional Executive Officer-died Wednesdaynight in a collision on the West Bank Berbice public road.

The  30-year old man was employed by Plan B Construction Company, East Bank Demerara as an Engineer. Donald was the son of Region Five Regional Executive Officer, Ashford Ambedkar.

The accident occurred about 9 O’ Clock Wednesday night on the D’Edward Village Public Road, West Bank Berbice when the car he was driving collided with a Canter truck about 9 PM. Police said he Ambedkar was speeding.

“Investigations have revealed that Donald Ambekar was the driver of motor car PRR 6417, which was allegedly travelling at a fast rate, when he lost control and collided with a motor lorry,”police said in a statement.

Sookdeo Sahadeo of Bath, West Coast Berbice, who was in the motor car, received injuries and has been admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation