
Tag Archives: President Ali

OPINION: Stop crying ‘Uncle Sam’

By Dr. Randy Persaud. Professor Emeritus It is astounding that the same people who call for magnanimity are the very ones who make a living by pushing poison pills into the public sphere on a daily basis. GHK Lall’s “Oil has embittered and divided Guyana even more” (KN, Sept. 2, 2024) readily comes to mind. Allow me to respond to ...

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OPINION: PPP Gov’t: four years of atrocities and calumnies

by GHK Lall August 2nd marked four years of PPP governance. Four years of PPP government-era financial crimes, indigenous rights violations, media rights violations, citizen rights violation. Obscenity and putridity from the PPP governance cesspit. On August 2, 2020, when President Ali swore his oath, I hoped for the dawning of a new day in Guyana. On the fourth anniversary ...

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