
Tag Archives: PDVSA

Oil and a slippery path to conflict: ConocoPhillips, Guyana and the hostile elephant in the room

By: Dr. Vivian M. Williams, Esq. ConocoPhillips knew it was in for a rough ride when it gave in to the lure of Venezuela’s oil and an array of concessions. Oil it was that put Venezuela on a slippery path to conflict on the global stage. Before bedazzling ConocoPhillips in the 1990s, the South American provocateur nationalized the oil concessions ...

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Attorney General hints at taking Justice Persaud to Judicial Service Commission for personal attack; says High Court decision disregard’s provoking Venezuela

Attorney General Anil Nandlall on Saturday night accused High Court Judge Gino Persaud of displaying poor judgement by attacking him personally with “intemperate sentiments”, and ignored the likelihood of provoking Venezuela over Guyana’s sovereignty by allowing the registration of a foreign Arbitral Award in Guyana. Mr Nandlall said government would appeal the High Court’s decision, and he left open the ...

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High Court judge raps Attorney General for veiled threat to judiciary’s independence; orders release of PetroCaribe debt to US oil company

High Court Judge, Gino Persaud has hit out at Attorney General Anil Nandlall for saying that if the court had recognised an arbitral award that monies owed to Venezuela and its state-owned oil company, PDVSA, were to be released to American oil company, ConocoPhillips, whose assets had been nationalised by the Venezuelan government, this would be anti-nationalist tantamount to potential ...

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