
Tag Archives: judiciary

Attorney General objects to news report on interaction with Chief Justice about judges’ heavy workload; restates late decisions are illegal

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall on Friday objected to the tone of a news story based on an interaction between himself and Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire about judges writing late decisions. The Chief Justice stressed that the workload was very heavy and she commended judges, commissioners of title and magistrates for dealing with the huge number ...

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Chief Justice slams Attorney General over judges’ workload: “…you all don’t realise that if you cut us, we will bleed”

Time Limit for Judicial Decisions Act is heresy – Chief Justice Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire on Thursday lashed out at Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall who recently cautioned that judges could be removed for failing to write their decisions within 120 days. Just minutes before scheduling decisions in two cases about the government’s eviction of residents ...

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OPINION: It is Jagdeo who is presumptuous, not the Judge!

By Retired Rear Admiral, Dr Gary Best, LLB; LEC At the most recent Jagdeo presser—one of his most divisive to date—this fading politician raised several issues that challenged national interests, one of which I will address at this moment: his attack on the judiciary. In my next opinion, I will address his fixation with the PNC’s performance while in office. ...

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OPINION: VP Jagdeo’s use of presumptuous” profanes, interferes with hallowed judicial freedoms

by GHK Lall There must be some places that Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo must avoid going near. However deeply his sense of right and wrong is offended, he knows enough not to venture into critical public pronouncements of the judiciary over what he interprets to be overreach. Dr. Jagdeo knows all too well about the separation of the powers doctrine ...

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OPINION: No government can endure without trust

By GHK Lall The foundation and engine room of any governance mechanism is credibility. The willingness of citizens in their various segments–be they critics, adversaries, cynics, neutrals, even believers–to invest confidence and reliance that integrity and good faith course through officials and processes, as guided by law: respecting of and bowing before the law. Using these as bases, I contend ...

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Transparency Institute assails politicians, justice system for low marks on corruption, transparency, public confidence

President of the Transparency Institute of Guyana Inc. (TIGI), Dr. Troy Thomas wants asset declarations by the President and Opposition Leader to the Integrity Commission to be published. “We have discussed at some point that at least the declarations by the President and the Leader of the Opposition should be made public. We can discuss and argue about the others ...

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