
Tag Archives: executive

OPINION: It is Jagdeo who is presumptuous, not the Judge!

By Retired Rear Admiral, Dr Gary Best, LLB; LEC At the most recent Jagdeo presser—one of his most divisive to date—this fading politician raised several issues that challenged national interests, one of which I will address at this moment: his attack on the judiciary. In my next opinion, I will address his fixation with the PNC’s performance while in office. ...

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OPINION: VP Jagdeo’s use of presumptuous” profanes, interferes with hallowed judicial freedoms

by GHK Lall There must be some places that Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo must avoid going near. However deeply his sense of right and wrong is offended, he knows enough not to venture into critical public pronouncements of the judiciary over what he interprets to be overreach. Dr. Jagdeo knows all too well about the separation of the powers doctrine ...

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