
Tag Archives: democratic centralism

OPINION: Say what you may about the PNCR. It’s a more democratic Party than the PPP

By Retired Rear Admiral Dr Gary Best  Apart from the glimmer, glamour, and dancing imitations, not to mention the short skit showing disdain for the nation teachers’ struggle for better salaries and benefits, the PPP’s exceptionally long-overdue congress brought nothing new. Certainly, no real changes. What the PPP said were ‘changes’ is a camouflage for it remaining the same. In ...

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OPINION: PPP Congress – the good, the better, the best

By GHK Lall So, what really came out of the PPP [C] Congress? Truth be told, plenty. Let’s turn back the clock and see. To spice up things and keep the delegates excited, there was one inspiring leader singing an inspiring song. Down with Marxism! Out with Leninism! Look, I know it is not the Mighty Sparrow of the Mighty ...

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Low vote-getters elevated to PPP’s key decision-making body

At least four low vote-getters at the People’s Progressive Party’s congress held last weekend, who mustered sufficient support to elect them to the broader Central Committee, were Tuesday elevated to that political organisation’s third highest decision-making body, the Executive Committee. The four elected by the Central Committee to sit on the 15-member Executive Committee are Dr Vindhya Persaud, ranked 21st, ...

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