
Tag Archives: Cybercrime Act

WPA activist charged in connection with call to kill President

Working People’s Alliance (WPA) executive member, Kidackie Amsterdam was Thursday charged under the Cybercrime Act with using a computer system to encourage or incite persons to commit a criminal offence against the President of Guyana Kidackie Amsterdam, 46, of Buxton, East Coast Demerara pleaded not guilty to the charge. City Magistrate, Faith McGusty granted the accused GY$200,000 bail and ordered ...

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Guyana set to have Sex Offenders Register; DNA sample, strict monitoring of movements, communication envisaged

Guyana is about to have a Sex Offenders Database that would provide for compulsory monitoring of the movements of convicts including overseas travel. If passed, the amended Sexual Offences Act will require convicts to among other things, not only provide information about their residence, the vehicles they are using but also their DNA samples. The law would also mandate the ...

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“Leave Mudwata alone”: APNU+AFC, gov’t clash over cybercrime law

Almost three years after the then A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) administration had passed the cybercrime legislation despite warnings, now that they are in opposition they are accusing the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC)-led government of using that law to clamp down on freedom of expression. APNU+AFC Shadow Home Affairs Minister Geeta Chandan-Edmond sought to justify the ...

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