
Tag Archives: Bharrat Jagdeo

OPINION: Bharrat Jagdeo running scared, even running mad – PART II

By GHK Lall In this continuation of yesterday’s contribution on Bharrat Jagdeo’s reaction to Nigel Hughes’ ascendancy to leadership in a major opposition party, the focus is limited to two issues: conflict of interest and interests. Jagdeo has driven himself into a frenzy about Nigel Hughes’ seeming conflict of interest in his professional (legal) relationship with Exxon. Interesting! This is ...

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OPINION: It is Jagdeo who is presumptuous, not the Judge!

By Retired Rear Admiral, Dr Gary Best, LLB; LEC At the most recent Jagdeo presser—one of his most divisive to date—this fading politician raised several issues that challenged national interests, one of which I will address at this moment: his attack on the judiciary. In my next opinion, I will address his fixation with the PNC’s performance while in office. ...

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Jagdeo refuses to pay Alexander GY$50 million for alleged libel; IDPADA-G asks for independent auditor

Even as Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday officially refused to pay GY$50 million in compensation to the Chairman of the International Decade for People of African Descent (IDPADA-G) Vincent Alexander for allegedly libeling him, that government-funded agency has handed over an audit report, saying it would prove that an estimated GY$500 million was not misspent. “Our client unreservedly rejects ...

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Norton to Jagdeo: ‘Match your earnings with your assets’

Leader of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), Aubrey Norton on Tuesday urged Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo to disclose his earnings and assets, including foreign bank accounts, to disprove corruption allegations, in the wake of his denials that he does not take bribes from Chinese investors. “If he wants to disprove the allegation, then he can make these bank accounts ...

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OPINION: The Vice President must be given the benefit of no bribe taking (credibility duly considered)

by GHK Lall Guyana’s Vice President must be given the benefit of the doubt with his spirited denials relative to probing questions about bribe taking on his part (“Jagdeo denies taking bribes from Chinese companies” ⁠— Demerara Waves, February 8, 2022). Since the Vice President struggles to come across as an honorable man, an ethical leader, a principled citizen, I ...

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Jagdeo denies taking bribes from Chinese companies

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo has rejected claims of kickbacks to facilitate Chinese investors doing business in Guyana. In an interview with the United States-headquartered Vice News that was posted on his Facebook page, he admits that he helps people but he denies that he takes bribes. “I help people out but doesn’t mean for consideration. It does not mean for ...

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Roger Khan wants early release from US prison based on “good-conduct credit”

Convicted Guyanese drug lord, Shaheed ‘Roger’ Khan wants to be released earlier than July on the grounds that he racked up good credits under a recent Trump-approved law, but the Federal Correctional Institution on Tuesday asked the court to reject his petition, according to court documents filed in a Florida Court. Khan is banking his chances on US President Donald ...

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OPINION: Democracy & Elections: Navigating Guyana’s muddy waters

By Professor Evan Ellis From February 19 through 27, I traveled to Georgetown, Guyana, to speak with individuals in the government and the private sector about the nation’s security challenges and internal dynamics. The country is in a potentially explosive political crisis with at least some similarities to the polarized situation in Washington, DC. In the midst of legal battles ...

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