

The Fear Complex, the Ramotar Administration and the USAID LEAD project

The issue is and remains the Ramotar Administration’s refusal of the GY$300 million USAID Leadership and Democracy (LEAD) project. Shortly after 6:30pm on July 24, 2013 US Ambassador Brent Hardt addressed an audience at Cara Lodge, Quamina Street, Georgetown. Members of the government, the opposition, civil society and others associated with the USAID Leadership and Democracy (LEAD) project were present. ...

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The Dougla Defect

For Rochelle Etwaroo: the hybrid of two great people and a seed of hope. Dougla Defect?Indian speaks to a Dougla woman about her Dougla babyIndian: The baby getting nice now.Now he complexion comin’ lil clear.(Rochelle Etwaroo photo and testimony) The Dougla Defect is evidence of Guyana’s ongoing Black and Indian war. It is a source of shame to both the ...

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To Freedom House

Dear Freedom House: I am anti-corruption, anti-abuse, anti-violence and many other things. I am not anti-government nor anti-PPP. I am not pro-government or pro-PPP either so do not get your hopes up. However, I am pro-truth and you do not intimidate me. On this note then, I think it’s time we had a talk because it seems that my peers ...

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If you call my brother a slave I shall answer you.

The Guyanese culture is a layered thing with many folds in which to hide weapons. It has become cultural for us to hurt each other. But I’ve found that the weapon which hurts a man the most is a single word carefully aimed at his heart. One word can rob a man of self, reason and hope. What moves a ...

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first published on Ralph Ramkarran’s website For most politically conscious people of my age, Nelson Mandela has been with us all our lives. I was not yet a teenager in the late 1950s when I remember a sticker on my father’s car ‘End Apartheid Now,’ the meaning of which I only later learnt. By the time the Rivonia Trials ...

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They brand us, play us and cast us aside

Reproduced with permission from Sara Bharrat’s blog at Many a bottom house raja and rani have told me that there is no race problem here in Guyana. They must really think that my belly is too full of that grassroots thing for me to not notice the hate, anger and bitterness that simmer just under the skin of my ...

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The ashes of Cheddi and Burnham

Reproduced with permission from Sara Bharrat’s blog at Dare I risk taking on the Jaganites and the Burnhamites? Dare I question the counterfeit images of dear old Cheddi and dear old Burnham that have survived for my generation to see? My only answer is this: why else do I have a mind if not to question everything endlessly so ...

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Being East Indian does not automatically make me PPP

Reproduced with permission from Sara Bharrat’s blog at My identity is my own. I do not appreciate being branded politically because of my skin colour. Last time around, I stood at a rally screaming in favour of the AFC. Who knows where I’ll be next time around. Maybe no place close to any of the madness that happens here ...

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Volunteerism and You

by Subrina Mohamed-Puran Georgetown, Guyana – October 26, 2013 – We all belong to a community in one way or another, but how well do we really know these communities? A few months ago, I came across an article in the newspaper about a group of children who were about to release a CD. Pop artists in the making? No. ...

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