

Heads must roll in the State Media

by Dr. David Hinds I am opposed to any wholesale dismissal of members and supporters of the PPP from the Public Service. There should be no witch-hunting. But there are exceptions in my book–like the State media.Of all the blatant over-reach by the PPP government, the rape of the state media was among the most obscene. But the government could ...

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Hearing the Guyanese People’s Voice: The 2015 Election Results

by Nicholas Birns, Senior Research Fellow at the Council on Hemispheric Affairs Several days after the Guyanese general election on May 11, a definite vote count has finally been taken. While for a time speculation swirled regarding the outcome, it has become clear, not just by the estimation of the opposition partnership for National Unity/Alliance for Change that it has won, ...

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by Heston K. Rodrigues “Our government rests in public opinion. Whoever can change public opinion, can change the government…” (Abraham Lincoln, Chicago, December 10, 1856) Over the past few weeks, in fact much longer, I have seen what amounts to a growing intolerance for the opinions expressed on any range of subjects but in particular, the just concluded General & ...

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Guyana: I sympathize with the President but the New Cabinet resembles a thrown together group of individuals rather than a team

by Dr. David Hinds It’s been quite a first week for Guyana’s new Coalition government. They are still basking in the sunlight of an unexpected victory. Their supporters, including this writer, are still celebrating. In such a situation, any criticism of the government is not likely to go down well with the supporters. The new rulers initial missteps—and there have ...

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OPINION: The reckless desperation of the ruling party: when cow ah guh a slaughterhouse….

The calls from various circles are for the cleaning up a real nasty campaign. Call again. Guyanese (and foreigners) can call again unsuccessfully, as one struggling, increasingly desperate side is not listening. For a frenzied PPP has accumulated a record of practiced malice that is premeditated and calculated; there is no stopping it now. This is the damning picture that the ...

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Let these be the last tribal elections- Human Rights Assoc.

There exists no compact between voters and candidates in our electoral system: we vote for lists of largely anonymous people. Voters are more influenced by what they see rather than what they hear or read and, regrettably, what they tend to see is race. To this extent our electoral system encourages clannish or tribal behavior. The more closely the electoral ...

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Women and Gender Equality Commission speaks on Elections 2015

On the eve of Guyana’s Elections, the Women & Gender Equality Commission urges all the political  parties and women in particular who are candidates to lead by example. They must demonstrate tolerance of opinions and perspectives and uphold with respect the freedom of association and the constitutional right of all Guyanese to vote for the party of their choice; and ...

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The PPP is responsible for the militarization of large segments of society

Today there is loud talk of the militarization of the opposition.  It is part of the mauling of apprehensive supporters, through persistent injections of fear.  This was followed by the comment of “big trouble” brewing; and the bravado of being “battle ready.”  More and more this has progressed beyond the regular stridency of an election campaign, and clearly into the ...

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