

Specialty hospital is first casualty of 2013 budget cuts

Minister of Health Dr. Bheri Ramsaran during the vote to cut the allocation. (Neilon A. Dias photo) A GUY$1.25B earmarked for a specialty hospital was the first allocation to be cut from the 2013 budget during consideration of the budget estimates. The opposition parties reduced the sum to zero after a brief period of drama over an APNU motion to ...

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APNU proposes $33.7B in budget cuts

The APNU has proposed some $33.7B in cuts from the $208.8B budget estimates put forward by the government. Tuesday’s proposal had many overlaps with the $35.5B in cuts proposed by the AFC with the largest being the inclusion of some $19B in the estimates for the Low Carbon Development Strategy.

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House passes education, justice and agri allocations uncut

The National Assembly has unanimously passed the budget allocations for the education, justice and agriculture sectors without amendments. Consideration of the estimates began on Tuesday following the ruling of Speaker of the House Raphael Trotman that the Assembly did have the power to reduce allocations as the opposition parties had signalled they would do.

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