

Govt, opposition to finetune Single Window Planning and Development Bill; opposition wants major say in administration, appeals process

Legislation that will allow land-users and infrastructure developers to apply for approvals at one location was Monday sent to a bipartisan select committee for further consideration, but already the opposition A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) is recommending that the Opposition Leader be allowed to nominate a member of the Oversight Committee. Housing and Water Minister Collin Croal ...

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Mae Thomas to remain Home Affairs Ministry’s Permanent Secretary- Benn

Home Affairs Minister Robeson on Monday said Mrs Mae Toussaint Jr.- Thomas would remain Permanent Secretary of his ministry, although her visa has been revoked. “This has nothing to do about the question of retaining her. There is no question about that…I’m surprised that question would be raised,” he said when asked by Demerara Waves Online News. The Home Affairs ...

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New India-made North-West ferry will ship agri produce to Trinidad; India asked to help solve CARICOM’s food transportation problem

The Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM) decades-old sea transportation humbug reducing the region’s more than US$5 billion food import bill would gradually be resolved possibly with India’s assistance, and already the new India-made North West District ferry is expected to ship agricultural produce from northwestern Guyana to Trinidad, President Irfaan Ali announced on Sunday. “We are going to look at CARICOM to ...

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Proposed new spy agency can deploy intelligence agents overseas; have sweeping powers to access information

The Guyana government is preparing to pass new legislation to establish a National Intelligence and Security Agency, which will report directly to the President, and can deploy agents to foreign diplomatic missions as well as collect information from any public authority despite existing that may prohibit the disclosure of such information. According to a copy of the National Intelligence and ...

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India, Caricom agree to hold annual business summit; Guyana touted as regional hub for Indian businesses

India’s Foreign Minister  Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar on Saturday said he and his counterparts of the 15-nation Caribbean Community (CARICOM) agreed that there would be annual business summit aimed at boosting trade in goods and services. “We agreed that it would be our endeavour every year to hold an India-CARICOM business summit- one year in the Caribbean, one year in India- ...

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Sarwan heads newly-formed India- Guyana Chamber of Commerce

Former Guyanese international cricketer Ramnaresh Sarwan is President of the India-Guyana Chamber of Commerce whose formation was announced at a business roundtable where India’s Foreign Minister Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar was the featured speaker. No representative of the new business organisation spoke at the event that was held at the Guyana Pegasus, but the chairman of the proceedings said the chamber ...

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US refuses to provide Guyana info on seized Home Ministry PS’ phone

The United States (US) has formally refused to share any information about the reason for seizing the mobile phone of Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Mae Toussaint Jr.- Thomas, but pointed to standard reasons for checking on incoming passengers. Her phone was taken away by US Customs Border and Protection (CBP) agents on her arrival in the ...

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Police, PPP open hotlines to report Local Govt irregularities

Amid claims and counter-claims of irregularities in the nomination process for the June 12, 2023 Local Government Elections, police said they were probing reports of threats and intimidation against persons who voluntarily decided to participate in the democratic process. “These acts of unlawful threats and intimidations will not be condoned by the Guyana Police Force,” that law enforcement agency said, ...

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Home Affairs Minister awaits return of PS over US seizure of cellphone

Home Affairs Minister Robeson Benn on Friday said it was too early to draw any conclusions about the reason behind the United States seizing Permanent Secretary Mae Toussaint Jr.-Thomas’ mobile phone while she was  passing through the United States (US). Asked whether he had been given a reason, he said, “no reason, we are waiting for her return” in a ...

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Sandy Babb Street, Kitty flooded despite recent works; more drainage works planned

After spending millions of dollars to clear drains and rehabilitate the flood-prone Sandy Babb Street, Kitty, that east-west thoroughfare was flooded again on Friday due to heavy rainfall but authorities said more drainage works were planned. A resident of Sandy Babb Street recorded a video and posted it on Social Media. He was heard complaining bitterly that government had wasted ...

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