

GUYSUCO rolling out mechanisation to counter labour shortage – Agri Minister

The state-owned Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) has employed 543 new employees at Rose Hall Estate to implement a mechanisation programme as the sugar industry continues to grapple with a labour shortage, Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha said Tuesday. He was responding to questions from opposition APNU+AFC parliamentarian, Vinceroy Jordan about why GY$643,690,000 was spent on wages and salaries. “We employed ...

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CDB funds food traceability system in Guyana to boost exports

November 20, 2023 – BRIDGETOWN, Barbados: To further its mission to promote sustainable agriculture and enhance food production, the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) has approved a grant of USD280,906 to implement a food traceability system in Guyana designed to boost the export of leafy greens and pineapples. The pilot will lay the foundation for a traceability system throughout the agro-food ...

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Drought major reason for spike in ‘greens’ prices

President Irfaan Ali on Monday said sharp increase in fruits and vegetables was due to the prolonged drought that has damaged and destroyed produce, prompting government to attempt the cushion the impact of the dry season by providing fertiliser to farmers and cash grants to thousands of Guyanese. “Our famers are faced with a prolonged dry season- drought conditions. Yield ...

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Govt hands out GY$5 billion cost of living fund in bonuses

President Irfaan Ali on Thursday announced that the previously unused GY$5 billion cost-of-living fund that was set aside in the 2023 National Budget would be handed out as one-off bonuses to government workers, old age pensioners and disabled persons. “This one of bonus payments will benefit almost 160,000 persons and increase their disposable income by over $4.1 billion,” he said. ...

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Guyana poised to benefit from US-funded farmer-to-farmer assistance

Guyanese farmers are set to benefit from specialised technical assistance under a $5.3 million Caribbean Agricultural Productivity Improvement Activity (CAPA) project being funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), a senior aid official announced Wednesday night. “In Guyana, the programme is currently in the design phase,” Regional Representative of USAID in the Eastern and Southern Caribbean, Mr. ...

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Caribbean Private Sector Organisation begins preparations for CARICOM’s challenge to solve transportation problem

The Caribbean Private Sector Organisation (CPSO) has almost immediately taken up a call by Caribbean Community (CARICOM) governments to solve transportation woes by finding a blend between public sector incentives and private sector investments with financing by the African Export-Import Bank (AFREXIMBANK), CPSO Chief Executive Officer Dr Patrick Antoine said Tuesday. He said CPSO representatives on Tuesday held talks with ...

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Guyana to host Caribbean Centre for Agriculture, data centre for farmers

The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation in Agriculture (IICA) will be assisting in the conversion of the Guyana School of Agriculture (GSA) into a Centre for Excellence in Agriculture and the establishment of a technology-driven data centre for farmers in the region, President Irfaan Ali announced on Friday. “IICA and the government of Guyana have agreed that we will develop a ...

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Guyana running out of coastal land to distribute- Ali

President Irfaan Ali has said that Guyana is running out of large acreages of land on the coastal strip. Speaking at the recently held Guyana-Canada Chamber of Commerce Dinner and Awards, he said, “the reality is that we don’t have that land now on the coast.” He said he asked for pictures of new developments asked for pictures of the ...

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“Sharp” reduction in fish price, as Guyana asks CARICOM to buy more

Fisherfolk in Guyana are complaining about unprofitable operations because of plummeting fish prices for several months now, a situation that has triggered a request by Guyana’s Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha for sister Caribbean Community (CARICOM) nations to buy more of the protein source from his country. Chairman of the Guyana National Fisherfolk Organisation, Parmeshwar Jainarine  complained about falling fish prices ...

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China to train Guyanese fisherfolk in cage fishing

China is set to train several Guyanese fisherfolk in cage fishing, a novel technique in this South America nation, to further increase fish production, Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha said Friday. He told a ceremony in observation of National Fisherfolk Day 2023 at the Lusignan Community Centre Ground that the time has come to change fishing techniques due to the ...

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