
New York-based Guyanese protest against Pres Ali

Last Updated on Wednesday, 25 September 2024, 12:33 by Denis Chabrol

President Irfaan Ali about to enter his car under tight security by New York Police and United States Secret Service.

New York Police on Wednesday held back several Guyanese anti-government protesters as President Irfaan Ali was exiting a restaurant on Church Avenue, Brooklyn where he attended a breakfast meeting.

The protesters booed Dr Ali and called him a “racist” while he was hustled by security into a waiting car.

The estimated 50 mostly Afro-Guyanese persons, armed with placards, also chanted slogans to express concern about the manner in which the Ali-led administration has been running Guyana. Several of them stated “Stop PPP racism”, “No democracy in Guyana”, “For Guyana to grow, Black people got to unite,” “Stop killing our young Black men”, “No to oppression, no to to repression, no to suppression towards African Guyanese”, “For Guyana to grow, the PPP must go” and “We demand an investigation into death squad killings.”

After the crowd grew and the protest intensified, police erected barriers on both sides leading from the door of Waterfall Bar and Grill. A LAW enforcement agent ordered those gathered to “pick a side, you not going to move back and forth”. One of the protesters told police that he would move wherever he wants and “don’t come to me with that arrogance.”

The protesters were mobilised by the Rickford Burke-led Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy.  “This is only the beginning. We will make sure we organise against them whenever they are in Brooklyn and Queens as a matter of fact,” he said, adding that “we sent a stromg message today.” He urged Guyanese back home to come out and protest.

The President of Guyana is in New York for several engagements that coincide with his address to the United Nations General Assembly debate.