
PNCR leader denies sexually harassing Vanessa Kissoon

Last Updated on Wednesday, 19 June 2024, 18:53 by Writer

PNCR member Vanessa Kissoon (second from left) while serving as a parliamentarian

Incumbent leader of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), Aubrey Norton on Wednesday fended off claims that he allegedly asked party member, Vanessa Kissoon for a sexual favour while he was taking her to Linden at the request of Sharma Solomon.

“At no stage was I ever involved in sexually harassing anybody in this country or overseas,” Mr Norton said in a video.

Describing the Facebook post by Mr Egland Gomes as “malicious and false”, Mr Norton said at no time did Mr Solomon ever ask him to transport Ms Kissoon to Linden and they were never in any vehicle alone heading to that southeastern town. He challenged the duo to state their position on Mr Gomes’ claim. “I wish to call on Sharma Solomon and Vanessa Kissoon to speak to this issue since failure to do so will suggest that they are complicit in this false and malicious post.

When contacted by phone, Ms Kissoon declined to speak about the allegation by Mr Gomes on Facebook. “I have no comment at the moment but I will deal with it,” she told Demerara Waves Online News. Mr Solomon did not immediately answer his phone or messages.

Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton

Mr Norton said he would be taking legal action.

The PNCR Leader, who has received the highest number of nominations for re-election at the June 28 to 30 Congress, believed that the accusation of sexual harassment was “part of a political plot since I have out-nominated my contenders and Egland Gomes is known to be campaigning for one of the persons contending in these elections.”

The other nominees for the post of leader are Attorney-at-Law Roysdale Forde, Attorney-at-Law Amanza Walton-Desir, Economist Carl Greenidge, gold miner Simona Broomes, Accountant Volda Lawrence and Attorney-at-Law Dr Gary Best.