Last Updated on Saturday, 14 September 2024, 11:09 by Writer

PNCR Leader Aubrey Norton
Opposition Leader, Aubrey Norton says if his People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR)-led coalition wins the 2025 general and regional elections a number of senior police officers would be removed.
“We have got to clean the police force of those senior corrupt officers who have no interest in law enforcement but are interested in getting wealthy,” he said on KAMSTV.
He did not name any officer.
Mr Norton said when the PNCR-led A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) was in 0ffice in 2015 to 2020, a number of officers had been sidelined from anti-crime operations. “We know full well that they were elements in the police force that, even when the coalition was in government, y0u had to keep certain elements out because the minute they know, they will tell the criminals this is coming,” he said.
The aim, the PNCR Leader said, would be to return to the professionalisation of the Guyana Police Force that had started under the David Granger-led administration so that that law enforcement agency could solve crime and ensure law and order.
Home Affairs Minister, Robeson Benn had openly castigated the police force and to a lesser extent the prison service and fire service for procurement-related corruption.
The Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) continues to investigate alleged financial improprieties by a police officer.
The opposition is also on record as registering its concern about the construction of an illegal airstrip on the outskirts of central Matthews Ridge, North West District in Region One (Barima-Waini) that was used to ship 4.4 tonnes of cocaine which, authorities confirmed, was destined for Europe. “Isn’t it instructive that people are going on a drug bust but they exclude the Guyana Police Force,” he said.
The Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit had said that the bust was done in collaboration with the Guyana Defence Force with support from the United States Drug Enforcement Administration and other international partners.